Sunday, September 29, 2013

Those traveling feet.......

Earthbound Yogis,

Week two of the earth chakra…..  Becoming still, feeling heavy and noticing everything about this moment.  Grounded.  Try it now.

We say that all of the time.  “He is so grounded.”  What does that mean?  What does it feel like to be grounded?

Well, it all begins with the feet.  Our foundation.

Wherever you Go,  There you Are – the title of Jon Kabat-Zinn’s time honored book on mindfulness.  Wherever you go, there you are.  How basic.  Almost laughable.  Of course wherever we go, there we are.  Duh.  But how often do we really live that way.  Being where we are with full presence.  Not always “being on the way” to somewhere else.   Arriving and being, right here, right now with things exactly the way they are. 

So I have been watching my feet.  Because wherever they go…there I am! 

     5:30 am, getting ready to run

Running in the silence that precedes dawn.  Cool, crisp fall air.  More sightings of deer, rabbits and fox than of any early stirring humans.    Yes, here I am.


  Touching the ground as I work. 

Distracted by phone calls, deadlines and endless paperwork.  Every now and then, standing up to remember that I am here.
On the mat

My lunch time ritual.  Feet planted, toes spread wide.  Feeling the texture of the mat beneath me.  As I slow the breath and gaze down, I definitely feel that I am right here.  Present.  All else drifts away.

They take me to the river……………
                                                                        …………..Where I choose to meditate

At the river.  All of the “have tos” will wait for my return.  Right now I am just right here. 
Barefoot in the grass as I harvest the last of the zucchini
And OF COURSE they take me to Bunny Rabbit          

  ….but sometimes they just want to reach for the sky

So watch your feet this week.  Notice where they take you and then be right there.  We are not on some journey to a magical place….this moment, this here-ness, this complete presence is the magic! 

    Aaahhhhhhhhh……..yes indeed.  Here I am!

Thank you feet

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