Sunday, June 26, 2022


The anticipation begins for me in April. One day I open the door to leave the house for my morning run and there is the slightest hint of light in the air. Night has officially ended and I can feel morning right around the corner. Dawn has begun. After running in complete dark for more than six months, this is a thrill.

As the weeks go by I do the calculations in my head. I still have the rest of April, all of May and three weeks in June where each morning will be brighter. It seems like a long time, but before I know it the calendar says mid-May. I still have the rest of May and three weeks in June. Plenty of time to savor this light.

Then in a blink of an eye it arrives. The summer solstice. The longest day of the year. My favorite day of the year!

At this point when I leave the house it is only minutes before the sun lifts herself completely over the horizon. I can see everything! At the bottom of the street my eye is drawn to the owl sitting on the lowest telephone wire overhead. Good morning owl!  The next street finds me in a stare down with a doe. The birds are singing and joy is in the air. Every year the solstice never disappoints. She always delivers the magic. I am in heaven.

The summer solstice is my favorite day. But while it is my happy day……it is also one of my saddest. By even the next morning I could swear it seems a little darker. How can one day be both?

I have a similar relationship with the moon. I love the week leading up to the full moon. The anticipation of her in all her glory on the full moon night as I sleep under her beams. Yet on every full moon there is this inner voice that reminds me it will be a whole month before I experience this again. Joy and grief.

I hadn’t really noticed this about myself until a teacher pointed out to me one day that I am addicted to peaks.

Huh. Yes, now that I look deeper, I clearly am.

I do the same thing with Christmas. Vacations. My garden. Even on a rollercoaster I am the happiest as I crest the top of the first big hill. The whole world below. And isn’t life just one big rollercoaster?

There isn’t anything inherently wrong with being addicted to peaks. It does mean though that I am attaching my personal happiness to specific external occurrences that happen only occasionally. What about all of those days where it gets darker one minute earlier? Wouldn’t it be better if I loved each of them too?

It’s like when we grin and bear Monday through Friday in order to enjoy the weekend. Couldn’t we let Monday be Monday and see the unique gifts she offers?

I am a work in progress…..but I will admit that on the winter solstice I am down but also cracking a big smile inside for what is to come.

Peak lover,

Sunday, June 19, 2022

....a clear connection

I’ve been thinking about the bluebirds. They nested and raised a family here in May and I have not seen them once since the day the babies fledged. I read though that they typically have at least two broods a season and was wondering if maybe they return to the same house. I shared these thoughts over the course of a day with at least four people. That night as I’m on the deck looking into the woods, mother bluebird lands on the closest branch and looks me in the eye. ‘Hi!’ Just then dad soared in like a streak of blue light and he too landed and looked my way. ‘I was talking about you all day! Welcome back!’

At that moment my connection was strong.

I am not a fan of having my phone in the bedroom for a variety of reasons. It stays downstairs on the kitchen counter with the volume turned high. I’m confident that if someone needed to reach me, I would be woken if it kept ringing. But I do need a morning wakeup, so I have the old fashioned clock radio. I have it set to our local news station as I would rather be woken by a voice than an irritating buzz.

Each Thursday night as I set the alarm I also turn on the radio to make sure I still have a clear signal. Thursdays my cleaners are here and at times when they dust the bureau they accidently hit the dial which sits on the side of the radio. Those dials are very sensitive and the slightest movement to the left or right takes you from a clear connection into the land of static or silence.

On the older radios you had to have a light touch. Turning the knob ever so slowly back and forth until you hit just the right spot. If you were impatient you could jump from hard rock to Christian gospel with one flick of the wrist. If you want a particular channel and want it clear, you must be mindful.

The universe, like our local news, also has a channel. A frequency that when you tune in with focused precision, comes in loud and clear. I have been having a hard time locating that channel recently.

When our rhythm isn’t in sync with that of the universe It’s like when you are in the car with a friend looking forward to quiet conversation and they turn on their favorite pop station and crank it up. It doesn’t feel right. In these times life feels harder. Things break. Unexpected bills. Fears creep in and you aren’t clear which direction to take. A stuckness sets in.

On the other hand, when you are tuned in to the universe’s hum, life is a dance! This is what everyone refers to as being in the flow and you know it when you are in it. You know what to do and change feels effortless. The past is released and the future feels bright. Even obstacles swiftly float on by. Life guides you with a loving hand.

I’m never sure exactly how my dial gets bumped off the station but eventually I notice that what is playing isn’t want I want to hear.

It’s time to put my hand back on the knob and mindfully realign. This usually means go outside more. Put the phone down. Stop looking things up and checking social media. Allow more silence. Talk less. Listen more. Stop trying so hard. And ask to be reconnected.

The bluebird encounter means I hit the channel as I was moving the needle back and forth. I know I am close…….

Happy Father's Day everyone,

Sunday, June 12, 2022

....she loves me back

Many people give me plants as gifts. Often a new type of plant enters my garden as a seedling dug from a friend’s garden. Others give me house plants and quite a few orchids have passed through my door.

An orchid always arrives in robust health and covered with blooms. They are beautiful! There is something magical about an orchid flower. Dainty yet sensual and I swear I see a tiny angel when I look deep inside each bloom.  They are also finnicky. By the next year with no buds in sight they go into a slow decline. I have not been successful with orchids.

Until this one…….

A friend gave it to me two Christmas’s ago. I read up once again about the best way to water and waded through conflicting advice. I went with the three ice cubes once a week approach. I paid closer attention to which windows received the best sun throughout each of the seasons and moved her accordingly. The following Christmas I started watching. January passed. February. Until one day I saw the telltale stem beginning its ascent. She was magnificent! This year she once again shone. I feel like she winks at me from across the room each time I pass.

Was this a different type of orchid, or had I somehow done my part better?

I was given a snake plant many years ago. I had it in the window of a guest bedroom on the ground level. For years she did what I would call ‘ok’ but not a whole lot of change and her tall leaves were always flopping over. One day as I was in there changing the sheets I glanced over and I swear she asked why she was left alone in this bedroom. Oh, alright, as I carried her up to my reiki room where many of my plants live. This room has music, essential oils, reiki sessions and my breath. She is now absolutely enormous and even flowers! Who knew?

In the clearing of the strip of woods next to my house I uncovered a redbud tree that for fourteen years I never knew was there. I removed all the vines, gave her a trim, fluffed her up and made sure there is space around her. Every day I go by to check on her and touch her leaves. I tell her how happy I am to have found her. In return, when the sun points in her direction she beams at me. I can see her aura and it seems like she has already grown if that is possible.

We often talk about how we must love the earth to have any hope of healing her, but I recently read an essay which asked, ‘Does the earth love us back?’

What do you think? Can she love us? ‘Yes, yes, yes!’ I answer without hesitation. No matter how much I do to take care of my garden, the earth gives me it back tenfold. Like any loving relationship we both have a role.

Weeding… them a drink……planting a seed……brushing against them… attention……trimming……leaning in to smell them……placing them in vases in my home……eating them in my salad.  All the ways I show my love. A flower……a cucumber…….butterflies……..the hummingbird……. shade on a hot day…….dragonflies…….the smell of mint…….the first firefly. Her return.

Earth is a being. I know she wants to be in relationship with us. The more attention we pay, the more we receive. Like a parent, she will love us even if we don’t fulfill our obligations, but its so much more fun to hold hands and skip together.

I hug trees,

Sunday, June 5, 2022

....I am excited

Friday was my planting cucumber seeds day. Back corner of my fenced in herb and veggie garden. I always put them in the same place because it seems to work. Enough sunlight but late afternoon shade so their roots stay moist.

The first step is clearing out the area. Lambs’ quarters, plantain and grasses which have all sprung up during spring have to go to create open space.  Dirt turned, compost mixed in, and a trellis set to give them something to climb. Cucumbers like to be planted in little mounds, so I dutifully mold the dirt and poke my finger in. And no matter how many years I do this I am for some reason amazed how the seeds inside the pack look exactly like the seeds in a cucumber. One by one I drop them in.

Seeds has been planted. Cucumbers will come.

While planting I reflected on the state of our world. It’s hard to absorb the news these days. The world heating, insects disappearing, and anger palpable. Freedoms and rights which felt guaranteed only months ago now threatened.  Economy teetering. Women’s faces once again covered in Afghanistan while Ukrainians fight for their existence. Then the unimaginable happens…… yet again. Nineteen innocent children. A parent’s worst nightmare. Is there no end…..

I find myself thinking words like ‘never’, ‘can’t’, ‘no solution’. Discussions with others end on a low note as we wonder how to turn this ship. What does the future hold?  Nothing will change. This is how things are. An aura of divisiveness and complacency.

Therefore, these are the seeds we are planting.

I listened to an interview last week with Elon Musk. I wanted to hear his views in his own words and not through those of the media. Right off the bat he was asked about his view of the future. His answer? ‘I am excited about our future!’ This hit a chord.

Now regardless of your thoughts on him, he sees the world from a different perspective. He visualizes what is possible and plants those seeds……and by the way has been pretty successful at it. He doesn’t let the confines of our limited systems stop him from creating.

I am excited!

What he uses is referred to as the ‘I am’ energy. Choosing what it is you want to be/feel/have/create by setting your vibration to that channel. Because after all, the external world is merely a mirror of our collective internal worlds. What is it that you want?

I am choosing to be excited about the future. Each morning as I sit quietly in meditation, preparing my inner garden by making open space, I consciously drop the seed of ‘I am excited’ into my fertile soil. I state it and consciously turn on the energy of feeling excited. Every day.

The ‘I am’ energy is the quickest way to manifest what it is that you want. If you want to be more confident…..say to yourself ‘I am confident’ and turn on the vibration of feeling more confident. Try it! Close your eyes now and say ‘I am heavy’ and turn heaviness on. It’s instant. You are now heavy. I am healthy. I am compassionate. I am joyful. I am patient. What do those feel like? Try them on. Don’t think about them… them!

What you want is only a seed away.

Notice what you are planting in your garden,