Sunday, June 25, 2017

.....summer heat

This Wednesday the earth was at its maximum tilt toward the sun, with the sun reaching its highest point in the sky.  Referred to as the ‘Summer Solstice’, the longest day is my favorite day of the year!
That’s me giving one of my garden tours during the evening solstice celebration I hosted in my back yard. I was pointing out the bee appearing to sleep deep inside a flower on the Marshmallow plant.  We all discussed teas that can made from several of the plants and I shared the incredible story of the yearly life cycle of the Butterfly Weed. We tasted the wild strawberries and ran our hands through the Clary Sage to drink in her absolutely intoxicating aroma. When I am sharing my garden with others, just as when I am teaching class, time has no meaning. Medicinal plants are one of my true loves. 

Last week I taught a Chakra Journey workshop at a yoga studio. I was telling the students the deep gratitude I felt to have been able to share both my Earth Medicine and now this chakra class with them all in one month! Two of my passions. It got me thinking.

Where am I heading? What am I creating? Am I moving forward toward my vision with consistent growth , or am I dabbling? And at the end of the day is what I am doing being of benefit to others? Am I serving.

The summer solstice officially kicks off the summer…..the season of fire. It is at this time that the earth is vibrating with its maximum energy.  You only have to look at the lushness of the trees and the garden’s brilliant yellows, pinks and reds to see the evidence. Heat. Passion. Longer light filled days illuminating the path ahead. Summer is the time to get up off our seats and start moving in alignment with our highest potential. Time to stop the planning and ‘thinking about’ and take actual action.   

What is something you are passionate about? One of those things that you often think ‘if only’ or habitually reference by beginning the sentence with ‘someday I will’ or ‘as soon as’. Now is the time! 

The Universe is ready and waiting to support you. Only baby steps are required. Sign up for that class, make the phone call, book the trip. Or at times giant steps can also feel called for and the Universe will be right behind you cheering you on. Leaps of faith. But do something. Take that big toe and step it into the new, and sometimes uncomfortable, space of growth. The summer is the season of I CAN and I WILL. Will you?

Watch out… I come!

Sunday, June 18, 2017


You all know by now how much I LOVE the dirt. 

No sooner have I showered when I catch myself unconsciously pulling some weeds, burrowing dirt deep beneath my fingernails. Shoes kicked off and bottoms of feet permanently stained a nice summer brown. I love standing on it, being near it, smelling it and having my hands in it.  

So how happy was I today to discover that my grandson too loves the dirt!
I had bought him a small pail filled with gardening tools as a gift for his visit, planning to show him how it was done…….but of course, it worked the other way around.   

I had bought a flowering plant for the container on the deck and hadn’t had a chance to plant it. This is a rather large container with lots and lots of dirt. So out we went to tackle the job.  First we used our shovels to remove some of the old dirt.  We then shoveled in new soil and mixed it all up. Typically this would be the moment at which I would set the plant in and move on to my next activity. But not when  your gardening assistant is just shy of two.

We were at the best part! A huge mound of dirt that called for us to dig, move to buckets, pour out, spill on the ground (with an ‘uh, oh’) and stir. Old buried walnuts uncovered while mother wren scolded us for being too close to her nest. Phoebe standing guard over us lest any intruders should happen by. Soon we had dirt up our arms and on our shirts, sticking to our sweat. Just the way I like it! Then everyone was called out to see our dirt and  Phoebe had to smell around it. NOW we were ready to plant. 

Flowers set and more dirt needed – oh yeah! 

And then what comes next?  Water of course. The next best activity when dirt is involved. Dirt….check.  Water…..check.   Sun……check.  That should do it. But not so fast. 

One final magic ingredient is required for a healthy happy plant. LOVE. Boy did we have plenty of that……check.

One dirty happy Nana,

Sunday, June 11, 2017


When does sound become noise?
We live only about 10 miles from a major airport. One of the most frequent flight patterns now passes directly over our backyard and lately it has caused quite a stir in the neighborhood.

It began with some on line discussion which led to the signing of a petition. Articles were posted and we were all encouraged to contact our representatives and file complaints. The hope is to change the path or at least create several alternate options so that we don’t take the full brunt of the traffic. 

I will say that there are times I am aware of the planes. Sometimes house guests will point them out if they are from an area without planes overhead, or I will notice the consistency of them while leading a meditation back in my rock circle. But honestly it feels to me like one of many sounds and was not causing me any distress. However, as the daily email reminders continued to arrive I became more and more attuned to them….until finally it began to bother me. It had become noise.

So back to the question.  When does sound become noise? 

Clearly it is not from the tone, rhythm or timing of it since I always sleep with the windows wide open while others are complaining of insomnia and headaches. It isn’t volume which determines it since when I do listen they can be quite loud at times. No, I think sound becomes noise when you allow it to disturb your peace, pulling you from center.The sound was always there but it wasn’t until the outside world triggered me to tune into it that it became noise. I had made the choice to listen to it. 

Friday afternoon I am in the backyard discussing the planes with a friend and timing their arrivals.  But then I heard it……. the sound of the woodpecker who is nesting in one of my trees. I grabbed the binoculars to watch and listen. The sound of the planes quickly became a distant memory as I tuned back in to what I love. I realized then and there that we are always surrounded by a multitude of sounds. We live in a noisy world. We must individually select which frequency to set our dial to, and my favorite station is nature.  

Since I am always listening for the scamper of the chipmunk, the buzz of the bees or the stirring of the deer in my woods, all of the other sounds are tuned out. Faded into the background. Not allowing them to interrupt my peace. 

If you get quiet right now and listen what do you hear? I am on the back deck and can hear the crow, robins, cars, the wind, an ambulance. They are all there. Which will I choose to hear……  Which will you choose.....

We each vibrate at a different frequency so there will be sounds that serve me that may not serve you.  Find the ones that resonate with your inner song and tune in. Allow the rest to fade away.

‘Noise does not cancel out noise; Silence does.’
                ~Mahatma Gandhi


Sunday, June 4, 2017 friend lavender

The other day I was out working in the garden. Digging, bending, reaching which of course led to sweating. Pouring out effort in order to tidy up my overflowing garden wheel. Focused and moving forward.

I leaned down to pluck out an errant goldenrod when I was suddenly submerged in the aroma of lavender.  I had unconsciously brushed her with my arm and she reached back out to me in her charming manner. I melted. For that moment the work was dropped and all I wanted to do was bury my head in her stems and breathe her in. I had forgotten what a gift she is……    Thank you lavender!  

I have worked with lavender for nine years now. I have three different varieties in the garden, but still couldn’t resist yet another seedling who waved to me at the local store this week. She has now joined the others in the wheel. And this is their season. Blooms galore!

I began my relationship with her in the garden, but it soon expanded. I began taking cuttings to place in vases throughout the house, always placing some next to my tub and on a guest’s nightstand.  Her personality is calming and soothing. She asks you to lie back and let her do her work.  When nerves are frayed or you find yourself seeing each hour pass by on the clock in the middle of the night, she is the one you want to have around.

Then I discovered lavender essential oil and a whole new world opened up! Year round portable lavender!  I quickly learned all of the ways to use her oil. Rubbed into the temples for a headache will bring relief. A drop a few times a day on an erupting cold sore will nip it quickly in the bud.  A pimple or blister……lavender to the rescue.  Massaged into a strained muscle with a little olive oil will reduce inflammation.  I even use a drop of her in olive oil as my body lotion so she is with me all day.  She is a medicine chest in a bottle and she is one of the first things packed for any trip.

All of my students get a visit from her at the end of each class while I give them a head massage as they rest in savasana.  Immediate relaxation. Some people have joked that they come to class solely for that experience.  Lavender knows how to keep friends. 

Dried lavender can be placed in eye or dream pillows.  Hang her under the faucet in the tub or mix her in with bath salts to soak an aching body.  She is quiet….yet powerful.  Simple……yet works with us on multiple layers.  Her message is one of healing. 

Whenever I am asked which oil to start out with for aromatherapy I always recommend Lavender as your first ally. You can find lavender essential oil at Whole Foods, health food stores or online. Make sure you get 100% pure essential oil which is the actual essence of the plant – and not a perfume or a ‘scented’ product. Get to know her and her habits and she will soon guide you to meet her other friends. All of them there are your service when called. 

Plants are the path to healing yourself naturally…..and gentle lavender leads the way.  

For more info on uses for lavender visit my web site 

Heading back out to lie in the grass next to her,