Friday, March 8, 2013

March Meditation - Day #8


So one week of meditation!  How is everyone doing out there?

Hopefully it is beginning to feel a little more like part of your day.  But don’t be frustrated if you are finding it challenging.  That is quite normal.   We have had our whole lives to bring the mind to the busy state it is in now, so it will take some time and patience to gradually settle it.  But know that where you are headed is back to your natural state. 

Our mind can feel like a turbulent ocean, with one wave coming right after another.  Making it hard to sit still, feel at peace and have clarity……

But as we “sit” we ever so slowly begin to see that the waves - the thoughts – are not us.  Through our exhales we can settle in as if we are sitting at the bottom of the deep end of the pool, just watching the activity above.  And the more we detach from the stream of thoughts, the less energy we give them……until finally they settle.

And here is where we find clarity.   Everyone together - Aaaahhhhhh………….!

Every day…… least 10 minutes.

Following my exhales into the void,

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