Sunday, March 24, 2013

From earth to water.... beginning to flow

Relaxed Yogis,

Aaaahhhhh……  Two weeks of soaking in the nurturing energy of earth.   Slowing down.   Planting our feet.  Finding stillness and being exactly where we are.    We can only begin a journey if we know where we are starting from. 

In class these last couple of weeks I have asked everyone to have something to work on during this chakra journey.  Some desired transformation, a feeling they want more of, an emotion or fear to let go of, or something they want in their life.  I invite all of you who follow me virtually to do the same thing.

You may already instinctively know what that is for you.  If not, don’t try to “think” of something.  Instead get very still, relax completely and ask the Universe for direction.  Ask without already knowing the answer.  And just like sending your voice out into a canyon, you wait, knowing without question that an echo will return. 

It may come as a sudden idea, or may be shown to you through an ad, something a friend says, or an invitation.    But to recognize the signs you must have some stillness in your life or they will be lost in the life shuffle. 

Our second chakra, Svadisthana, the element of water is the deep space within us from which our desires rise.   It is here that we begin to “feel”.

In the body it is our pelvis and hips.  It is our moisture, our fluidity, and our ability to flow through life.  When we are in touch with this energy, we are full of life, sensual, juicy and comfortable in our skin.   Here we  also find our instinctual wild nature.

Water is the energy of the moon.  So how perfect that we will celebrate the full moon this Wednesday night!  She is cooling and calming.  She is the feminine.   

So in class we will find our center and connection to earth, by becoming still and aligning to the line of energy that runs from the tailbone to the crown, right in front of the spine.    And then from that foundation we will begin to flow.  Awakening desire.  Releasing pent up emotions from their holding place in the hips. 

Other ways to connect to the water energy include:

·         Soak in the tub (at least once a week)
·         Drink your oatstraw nourishing herbal infusions
·         Spend time naked – even if it is just the time you are getting ready after your shower
·         Dance when no one is watching
·         Read or write poetry
·         Sit by the river
·         When you are in the pool or the ocean – float on your back
·         Befriend the moon – knowing exactly where she is in her cycle, looking to the sky for her each day and honoring both the full and new moon days.

So what is it that you really want?  What are your deepest desires?  What will fulfill you?
You can create anything that you want.


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