Sunday, July 23, 2017

....a new day

Thursday morning.  5:30 am. Early dawn. Sun beginning its rise. Phoebe and I reach the bottom of the street and make the turn. The tree cover over us parts to reveal a pale blue sky streaked with coral colored clouds. The sliver moon in the eastern sky.

Good morning Universe!   
No one but us. No bikers or cars. The world still asleep. Only a few robins and rabbits sharing this experience with us. The quiet first moments of a brand new day. On this day I felt its potential.

When we wake up each morning our minds often jump to what is on the agenda before our feet even hit the floor.  The to-dos, meetings, deadlines and chores all neatly written on the visual calendar of the mind, creating the appearance that our day is already set. Known. Planned.  here is a name for staying here too long…….a rut.

But it isn’t set!  In fact each morning as we rise the hundreds of moments stretching out in front of us are completely clear.  Nothing is written there. A blank slate. Each and every day is a fresh beginning and each moment contained within it holds unlimited potential.

Now you may choose at 10:00 to head to the dentist, or to eat your lunch at 12.  But who’s to say that an old dear friend may not call from out of the blue at 9 saying she is in town and would love to spend a few hours together. You may have planned to work in the evening only to have a late afternoon storm knock out the electricity and you suddenly find yourself going out to dinner.  Flat tires, letters in the mail, text messages, bumping into someone. Each moment is created fresh. When we open ourselves to this energy, wonder walks through the door.

This can be slightly uncomfortable when we are feeling the need to be in control.  In charge of our days.  Or…… totally thrilling when we open our eyes each morning and look to the sky to see how limitless it is. What will today bring! I can’t wait to find out!

Try it tomorrow. When your eyes first open see not a cramped note pad of reminders, but instead an empty space waiting to bring toward you that which you want.  Surprises, treats, new ideas. Even the obstacles which create space and opportunity for change. And as you lie down at night and look back over your day notice how many moments ended up being not at all what you had planned!

Today you are You
That is truer than true
There is no one alive
Who is Youer than You.
                ~Dr. Seuss

Tomorrow is yet another chance!

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