Sunday, May 4, 2014

....following the heart

Dear yogis,

I had a vision. 

This week we moved up to the heart chakra….Anahata.  Relaxing and floating in the river of our natural breath.  Shoulders drawn back and heart lifted.  Head back in line with the spine.  Practicing physically positioning our heart further forward in space than our forehead, in order to lead life from the heart. 
Follow your heart
There is a reason we worked with the fire energy - our inner strength, confidence and discipline – before lifting into the energy of the heart.  Leading life with an open heart takes a lot of courage.   Our heart, while immensely powerful, is also vulnerable and when we hold it wide open through all of life’s journey, we will get hurt.  We will feel sorrow and will experience the true meaning of heartache.  But we move forward this way anyway, because who wants the alternative?

Having an open heart asks us to love EVERYONE and EVERYTHING unconditionally.  Not just those who fit the mold of what we have determined is right.  Not only for the amount of time that they fulfill our needs or give back what we crave.  Sending love to them even when they claim to not love us back.  Loving the plants (even those you may call weeds), the bugs (even the mosquitos), the weather (even the snow) and all of the days of the week (even Monday!). 

Love is an energy that which we each contain in a bottomless well.  We simply must learn to tap into it and send it out through the front of the chest.  Loving is an action that you initiate.  No triggers.  No waiting.  Just sending wave after wave after wave.  And you know what?  The world will feel it.  And the more you send out, the more will come rushing back toward you. 

Try it.  Next time you are in a grocery line, or sitting in traffic, or in a crowded elevator ……..send love out to everyone around you or toward one individual.  Do it often. Notice what happens.   And you can even do this with someone who is far away.

The other way is when you look at someone, really look in their eyes.  When we make direct eye contact, the heart awakens.  There is an instant connection – sometimes like a jolt of electricity.   The eyes are the seat of our soul and when our souls connect we see each other as we truly are.  Clear vision.  Connecting at the heart.  This is love. 

This doesn’t mean you have to “LIKE” everyone J  You don’t have to have them over for dinner or hang out together.  But you love them.  Not their appearance, habits or personality…..but their inner essence. 

So back to my vision……

During my Friday night “time for me”,  I was sending love to many.  Feeling them in my heart.  Crying for a family member who was near the end of life and laughing aloud for those who bring me much joy.   These are all incredible feelings and they make life fantastic.  And I began to think, what if our world leaders could find some way to connect through heart energy vs their minds and wills?

So here is my vision.  What if there was a requirement that 20 of the world’s top leaders (including ours) were required to go on a one week retreat with each other twice a year.  They couldn’t bring any aides or security.  Just themselves and a yoga mat.  For one week they would practice yoga, learn to meditate, spend time in nature and work with their breath.  All together all week.  Planned times of silence and all talking was only to be about what was happening then – no policy, no debates, no opinions. 

How many years do you think it would take before we started to feel some sort of shift in the worlds energy?  For anyone who has been on a retreat with others you know how connected you all become.  You come together from different backgrounds and walks of life, but you leave bonded by the energy of love.  Like the love we all feel when we sit up at the end of class after savasana. 

So……..any outer change begins with a change within.   I plan to look lots of people in the eye, send out waves of heart energy and love everyone – even the guy at work who has been testing my last nerve this week……..

Heart wide open,

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