Sunday, April 27, 2014 thank you

Dear yogis,

Well, well, well.   A couple of men and some heavy machinery later…..and voila……my vision is manifested!

Thank you Universe!

But as I sit on the rocks and soak in the view and the energy, I already begin to have new visions.  Seeing change.   Seeing what could be.   I realize that the manifestation  of a desire is merely a stepping stone and not an end.  My circle of rocks is only a mile marker on my journey of life.  I will get much enjoyment from them, but they will also send me forward toward other landmarks and rest stops. 

What is most important is learning to love and live the journey itself.  Not attached to the end result…..because as I am seeing, there is no end.  We never get “there”.  We never “have it all”.  The real joy, the real miracles are in each and every moment on the path, as we head from one marker to the next. 

So what have I been “seeing” this week?   

The energy of fire is what gives us the inner strength to begin to manifest our desires into reality.  That inner heat and confidence that helps us see our vision clearly and move toward it.   Forward moving energy even when we hit obstacles.  Even when others tell us it’s a bad idea.  That inner power that holds us up and makes us know that we can…..and we will. 

But right now there is an overabundance of fire energy in our world.  Go, go, go. Do, do, do.  More, more, more.  We are the best.  We are number 1.  You must struggle to get it done.  Power your way through it.  Dog eat dog world.  I could go on and on.    And at my work the theme word this year on how we will work is GRIT. 

Now I don’t know about you, but Grit is not a word that has me leaping out of bed in the morning!   And although grit can be defined as courage and resolve, the energy of the word seems to have moved toward the other definitions of nerve, steel and toughness.    When used as a verb it means to clench the teeth in order to keeps ones resolve during an unpleasant duty.  This is how we are supposed to do our jobs.  Sounds painful.  Hmmmm………

The other corporate theme – which has been an ongoing one for, oh I don’t know, maybe 7 years now – is that we are still being asked to do more with less.   Now I have a question.  Who is asking us to do more with less?  Who are they?   Where can I find them to give them a piece of my mind?  Hmmmmm……..

We are they.  We created these long hours, high stress workplaces.  Consciously or unconsciously we have created a world where we have less and less time for ourselves.  We have done it through our buying habits, our want for things to be done more quickly, our need for everything to be cheaper and our obsession with having the latest and greatest.    

So only we can change it.  But outer change always begins with inner vision. 

I see and feel fire energy differently.  I think it is misunderstood right now.  To me, if we are truly strong, we can relax completely (no clenching) during the challenges, during the work day, during discomfort.    And when we are relaxed, when we breathe freely, we find our flow and amazing things happen!

Work gets done more quickly and we connect at deeper levels with those around us.  Yes, the projects still must get completed, but we know they will without that unnecessary layer of worry placed on.  We are able to take pauses and notice our surroundings, being with what is right there and not wishing the day away.  Finding more meaning.

We were surveyed this week about our work habits.  The first question was to rate yourself on this  - “I Work Extremely Hard”.   I laughed.  No, I don’t!  I find that when I work extremely soft and relaxed the results are so much better….and a whole lot less painful!

Doing less and getting more.  I will have to let “them” know. 

Seeing a workplace filled with soft strength,

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