Sunday, May 11, 2014 I sit

Dear Yogis,

I sit here in my rock circle on this spectacular spring day, ready to write .  Blue sky looking down, damp grass wetting my bare feet (yes it is officially time to remove the shoes!), breeze brushing against my arms, and this sturdy rock supporting me in whatever comes – my foundation.   I chose to sit here since today I want to talk again about connection.  The heart energy.  Sending out the vibration of love and gratitude.  But this time not to others….but to everything.

Connection with the Universe.  Connection to all that is.  Finding the rhythm of life’s force and resonating at its frequency.  Forming a relationship with the source of life itself.   The most important relationship you will ever have. 

How do I find this? 

Like every relationship it begins with noticing, wanting to connect and then taking that first step of reaching out. 

Waking in the morning and saying ‘thank you’ as you look out the window to see the new day waiting for you – filled with limitless opportunity.   Telling a flower how beautiful she is, or a tree that he is awesome.  Whistling to the birds so they get to know your call.  Smelling an herb and letting out an audible ‘aaaahhhhh…………..’.  Picking up a rock that grabs your eye and holding it while you walk.  Lying in the grass and watching the clouds drift by.  Connection.

As I sit here the wren keeps to returning to her house hanging from the tree next to me with new sticks as she prepares for motherhood.  I tell her she is safe near me.  The two beech trees stand guard as my protectors, offering me shade.  I am grateful.    A spider crawls across my keyboard.  I gently shoo him off, but only after saying hello.  I am serenaded by the symphony of songbirds, each one with a unique note that I now can recognize, and I know soon enough the titmouse will be here letting me know it is time to go and get his peanuts.  A bee buzzes by.  The chipmunk scampers through the garden.  Thank you…thank you…thank you……. I spread the front of my chest and send out the energy of love to all of it.  Connection.
Make it a daily practice.  Stop, notice and give thanks.  Speak to it – out loud.  Send love.  Touch.  Experience.  Feel life’s essence. 

And the more you do this, the more things you will notice that will literally take your breath away.  Life begins to communicate back.  The relationship deepens……until soon you are so connected that the magic begins.  The Universe and you, best friends.  Always together.

Funny story in the “be careful what you wish for” category.  Last fall I wished I had goldenrod on the property.  And so it was…..goldenrod grew along my woods edge.  And this year it decided that she was so cherished that it is now sprouting up everywhere!  Then 2 weeks ago I reposted my writing on dandelion.  Well……..this picture does not come anywhere close to doing it justice.  I came outside two days later to find my backyard a virtual dandelion field!!  I welcomed her and she came.  J

Finally, today is Mother’s Day.  As we all celebrate with or remember our moms, or get taken care of for being a mom, let’s also remember the ultimate mother of all.  Our earth.  We were born from her, clothed, fed and sheltered.  She is the energy of unconditional love and holds and nourishes us regardless of how we treat her in return.  So let’s treat her how she deserves.  LOVE her.  Sending gratitude to both my mom and this fabulous place we all call home.

Hi there butterfly!

Sending love to all of you,

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