Sunday, June 2, 2013

Third Eye.....making life more vivid

Dear Yogis,

Take the index and middle finger of the right hand and place them on the third eye (you will instinctively know when you settle into the right spot – like tuning into a channel with a radio dial).   Rest your elbow on the front of your body so you can lower your chin to rest your head on the fingers.  Close your eyes and shift your inner gaze to that spot.  Relax completely.   Take long slow breaths.  Lean in to that space with your energy.   Connect. 

The third eye is the seat of our psychic abilities.    We all have them, it is just a matter of to what extent they are noticed, used, opened and trusted.  Like any of our other abilities, it takes practice. 

What really are psychic abilities?  We often picture the gypsy sitting in the storefront on the boardwalk …crystal balls….tarot cards….. palm readers.  I know I did.  I was always very skeptical.  But as I work with them I realize that they are merely an expansion of our physical senses.  Being able to “see” things that our physical eyes can’t see, “hear” things that our ears can’t detect and “feel” things with our whole body that our hands can’t touch.    Reaching outward beyond the artificial boundary of our body to sense what is there.

As humans, our physical senses are quite limited.  We all know we can’t hear many, or maybe even most of the sounds that animals can hear.   The range of color our eyes can detect is narrow.   And when we have truly begun to slow down, be present and notice now, we start getting glimpses into how much more there is that we could feel if we only allowed. 

One example we all can relate to is intuition.  Just knowing something with no factual basis.   Sensing that the phone is going to ring.  Thinking of someone hours before they appear in your life.  Changing lanes on the highway because you just know the person to the side of you is going to move over – even though there is no turn signal or movement in your direction.   Begin to notice these in your life.  Don’t just brush them off so casually to coincidence.  Notice where you felt it in your body.

Dreaming also arises from the space of the third eye.   Entire movies in full color played on the blank screen behind the forehead.   Sometimes filling the entire body with so much sensation that it stays with you throughout the next day.   “Feeling” as if it is real……..and who exactly says that it is not?
So when we work with and expand these 6th senses, what happens?  Why would I want to do that???

Because life becomes more vivid……… We see more.   We feel more. We hear more. Colors become brighter.  Our range becomes bigger.  Our intuition becomes stronger.   We experience everything that we always did plus more!

There are many practices that we can use to open and expand our psychic senses.  Here are just a few simple ones that you could experiment with:

·         The exercise this post opened up with can be done to connect with yourself, the energy of the Universe or with another who is not physically present.    You would just bring them to mind, feel that the pressure of your fingers is their forehead resting on yours and sense their energy.   Keep drawing them closer until you can “feel” them right there with you.
·         Candle gazing – use a standard tapered candle in a dark room.  Have it on something so that it is at eye level a couple of feet away.  Keeping your eyes wide open gaze at the part of the flame directly over the wick.    The intention is not to blink, but you blink when you need to.  You are energetically keeping the eyes open but relaxed.    And you just watch.  Not “trying” to see anything which requires constricting the eye muscles, but instead expanding and softening the eye muscles to see more.   A steady soft gaze. 
·         Mirror gazing – same as above but you sit a foot or two in front of the mirror and gaze into your own eyes.  First into one eye….then into the other…eventually into both.      This can also be done as third eye gazing where you put a small circle/dot sticker on your third eye and gaze there.    Best done in a dim room where the light source is behind you.  This one can get quite intense.  If so, just release the gaze, take a breath and then go back.
·         To enhance dreaming – mugwort is a dream herb and can be found growing wild typically in areas that are near streams or rivers.    I also have plenty here in my garden that you are always welcome to!   You clip off a top of one of the plants and put it inside of your pillowcase, below the pillow.  Leave it there.   Over time it just dries up and you can replace it…..of course always thanking the one that you used and putting it back out to the earth.   I have been sleeping with mugwort for over a year and I have gone from rarely dreaming to nightly dreaming, with many providing small insights and new sensations.    Thank you mugwort!
·         Daily meditation.  Every day… least 10 minutes.  J
·         And of course…..spending  more time in silence and in nature.   Listening for the chirp of the birds and the wind in the leaves, watching for the moon in the night sky, walking barefoot and feeling the air on your skin.  Awakening the physical senses to prepare them to grow.

Turning up your frequency to the “vibrant” channel!

Wanting to feel it all,

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