Sunday, June 16, 2013

Crown....being with whatever is

Dear Yogis,

Thank you all so, so much for the notes, flowers, kind words, plants, poems and hugs.   I could feel all of you around me, like a meditation shawl drawn tight around my shoulders.    Being held.  Receiving all that you gave.   Grateful to, and for, all of you.

It made me realize that the depth of sorrow, is then filled in by an outpouring of love.    Without the one, the other would not have happened.    That it is in our toughest times that we experience the best in others….and in ourselves.  Not only did I feel all of your energy, but my own heart, after several days of crying, expanded back open and was so filled to the top, that all I could do was share it out to others.  And I felt that somehow even the animals sensed it.  At one point this week I looked out my window to the garden and it contained 2 chipmunks, a black squirrel, a gray squirrel, a cardinal, butterflies, a morning dove and my friend the titmouse!    

It is an ever flowing fountain.  And the more we give, the more we are filled.  It is the opening of the crown of the head to allow the Universe to flow through us….with whatever it brings.    Even grief.


We are not a society that deals well with death, sorrow, tears or sadness.  We don’t like to talk about it and when it happens we immediately try to “cheer” everyone up.    It is too uncomfortable.  It doesn’t fit into our vision of what it is to be a happy person. 

I have not had a lot of grief in my life.  There is only one time that I truly had to grieve.   So this week I tried to stay present and feel what it is like.    Allow it and be with it.  Crying when the tears came instead of wiping them away.  Letting the sobs out without trying to swallow them down.   Letting go into the pain.    And I noticed several things.

Grief, like anger, joy and love, or any of our emotions….. is an energy.  It has a physical presence. First I noticed how heavy it is.  The heart truly felt as if it had doubled in weight and was sitting slightly lower in the chest.  I only seem to notice my heart when it is contracting in grief or blooming with love.  Like a fist closing tight, only to open wide again. 

That when we allow the sobbing we are naturally drawn downward.   It has a sinking downward pull, usually bringing us to a prone position on a bed, or even on the floor.  Releasing out through the front of the body into the earth.   The earth will always take anything you no longer need.    She holds us.   And she would never let us drown. 

And in deep sorrow there is an intense contraction inward, right at the core, through the line that runs from the crown to the tailbone slightly in front of our spine.  Our whole being, breath and awareness dive deep to that line of energy that we work with on the chakra journey.   It feels like a clenching – a wringing out.   Like a strong squeezing out of a sponge that is then ready to soak up the new. 

I noticed that when the skies open to release a downpour, the eyes swell and spill over with tears.  The cleansing and healing power of water, both within and without.

………..And finally that whenever I came to my mat to practice, got still and began to breathe and move, that is when it became the most real. 

This is why we do yoga.  Yoga isn’t about how beautiful our dancer pose is, or how long we can stay in headstand, but is about how real we can let life be.    Can we make the time in our lives, every day, to stop.  To notice.  To be.  To flow with exactly what is there for us at that moment – without the need to “cheer” it up or change it in any way.   As humans we are blessed with the ability to feel an enormous range of sensations and emotions.  But if we choose to block any of them, or not get close to some out of fear, we limit our aliveness.  It is like building little dams inside the body so that the river no longer flows to its fullest potential.    Or removing a couple of crayons from the box.  Yoga helps us to have the inner strength to come face to face with each feeling – allowing discomfort – and removing the obstacles to allow the fountain to flow.  Being complete. 

So as we ground with our feet, to connect to the earth, and reach up through an open crown of the head, connecting to sky,  feel your breath and visualize it as the hum of the Universe flowing in and through you.  With no blocks.  No obstacles.   Completely  free.  Trusting.   Feeling it ALL……………….


Miss Molly - Always ready to teach!
Full and Alive,

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