Sunday, April 28, 2013


I SEE you yogis,

Did you pick one or two of the heart opening practices to work with?  If not, there is still time as we will stay at the heart chakra for two more weeks. 

Here they are again:

·         Mirror gazing.    Sit in front of a mirror and gaze into your own eyes.  SEE yourself.    Not what you look like or what kind of a hair day you are having.   Just SEE you.  First in one eye, then the other, and then in both.  Gently. 
·         When someone crosses your path during the day – really SEE them.  Look them directly in the eye.  The eyes are the windows to the soul.  SEE them.  It doesn’t have to be a long or uncomfortable stare.  Just a second or two of really looking will cause a connection.  You will feel it with your whole body.   A current.  Have the strength to allow it without backing away.  Your neighbor, the woman behind the counter, the homeless man.  SEE them. 
·         Using things that are easy, practice giving LOVE just a little more.    Perhaps when you are petting the dog, slow down, be present and do it with more love.  If you are reading a great book, stop occasionally to notice and LOVE the book.  When you take a bite of a perfect sandwich, stop, notice and LOVE the food and the earth that it came from. 
·         As you see a person, a tree, a view, a room, etc. – mentally say “I SEE you, and I love you”.    At least several things/people a day.  Start sending love. 

All of these practices awaken love.  First for ourselves, exactly the way we are, then for others, and then for all of life.  This is not the romantic love we see in the movies, but an openness to see everything exactly as it is, let it in, and send it back out.    The whole of the Universe moving through you.   

Here at the heart we begin  to sense that maybe, just maybe, there is MORE.  More than just little old me.  More than just doing my daily activities over and over until I die.  More than I can see with my physical eyes.    More sensation.  More vividness.  More aliveness………More love.

But in order to tap into this, first we must long for it, and then we must be willing to believe.  Surrender. 

Becoming love and sending it out.  Because if you aren’t sending the energy of love out…..what are you sending out?

I am not sure if it was because of just coming off the workshop, or because I have doing these daily practices, or because it was just time for expansion for me…..but this last week was jam packed.

I realized on Friday night that I had seen or communicated with all of my teachers within the one week.  I worked my 40 hours at Xerox and completed some major tasks.  I taught my 5 classes, ran 3 mornings,  and worked to expand the registration for this upcoming CSA season.   And I finally started the process of designing a web site.   All of this while I directed the painters who started repainting all of the trim in the house, and all under the light of the full moon.

I am also helping to lead  a neighborhood effort to ensure our elder neighbors can stay in their home and we all met as a street on Wednesday night.  The outpouring of concern and financial support was heartwarming.  And through this I have already gotten closer to some of the neighbors that I have lived near for many years, but never really knew.  One of my neighbors even brought me one of his gorgeous  Amaryllis plants that is budding so I could enjoy her during her time of bloom. 

One of my many foxes from the woods came up into the yard as I worked and stayed for a while, even  lying down at one point so I could get a picture.  And as I finished my meditation on a rock along the river’s edge, I opened my eyes to discover a large 3 foot snake had ½ of his body up on the rock with me and was simply staring at me.  Oh!  My  15 year old Miss Molly has been struggling this week and she allowed me to give her a full massage very late one night when I came down because I realized I hadn’t properly said good night to her.  She let me LOVE her. 

My seeds are sprouting, the birds are singing and the sun is shining just a little longer every day.

So Friday night when I went to yoga class, I was waiting in line for the bathroom with our teacher Hayley.  She asked me how my week was.  I answered, “Good, but very busy”.    And as soon as the words passed my lips I caught myself.  I could see.  I turned back to her and said, “no, not busy…….full.  It was very full.”

Busy is when we get caught up leading life from our belly.   Striving, trying, pushing.  Always moving forward and doing it all ourselves.  “I”. 

Full has just as much, if not more contained in it, but it is when we lead from the heart.  Aware, open and in complete awe of every moment.  No doubts, no worries.  Held in the arms of the Universe.  In the heart we move from “me” to “we”. 

So tomorrow morning when you wake up, give gratitude for the day, and make sure you SEE and LOVE absolutely everyone and everything that comes your way.  Breathe the Universe in, and send it back out.    AAaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh………………….

So full I feel I could burst,

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