Sunday, April 7, 2013

Fire.......I can and I will

Dear Yogis,

For these last two weeks we have flowed.  Lying back into the current of life and letting go to enjoy the ride.  My hips have been thanking me.

When we are in the flow we can feel it.  There is no struggle.  And when we come upon an obstacle we smoothly make our way around it.   We let all things in life come and go… and receiving……feeling alive.  Diving down to uncover our deepest longings and giving them life.

So far we became very still and grounded with the earth energy.  Noticing this moment and planting the seed for that which we want to manifest in our lives on this journey.    We then watered the seed to soften it and  start the process of creation.    Now we bring it into the sunlight!

Manipura, the fire chakra, is located in front of the spine, just below and behind the navel.  It is referred to as our “City of Jewels”  and is visualized as the color yellow.  It is our energy, our heat, our digestion and our inner strength.  Our resolve. 

I CAN CREATE ANYTHING THAT I CHOOSE   (so be sure to choose carefully)

It is here in Manipura that we can bring about transformation.   So whatever it is that you desire, you must let it rise into the fire of the belly…….bring it into the sun and tend to it… order for it to manifest.    Otherwise our desires just remain  wishes. 

The fire energy is in the front of the body.   It is reaching out onto that enormous blank canvas of life in front of you and painting what you want with big bold colorful strokes. 

The work with this energy is building core strength and moving forward with an unwavering focus.    Seeing what it is that you want clearly, bringing it in focus.  And then taking baby steps toward it every day.    It is our discipline.  It is our ability to keep commitments.  To not be deterred by what may appear to be setbacks.  Steadiness. 

Look around you now!  You can see the strength of the sun in every plant that is bursting to life right now.  All reaching  upward for the heat and light.   The sun gives life…yet it can also make us uncomfortable.  It asks us to step outside of our comfort zone, try new things, shake off old habits and fears, and move with conviction.

So begin to visualize exactly what it will be like when what you told the Universe that you want, manifests in your life.  How will you feel?  How will you look?  See it clearly.  And revisit that image every single day.   Every single day.  Feeling yourself moving toward it.


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