Sunday, November 11, 2012

Heart.....the perfect circle

Dear Yogis,
Begin as we always do.  Slow everything down and notice this moment. 

Notice your breath.  Notice your physical presence.  Notice the space that surrounds you and its sounds and sensations.  Feeling what it is like to be “you” right now.   Right here.  It never gets old, does it…..

Now bring your awareness to the space around your heart… inner bow…. And watch the breath flow like gentle waves over the heart.  This is our sacred space and if you get very still you will begin to notice that  it feels like no other space in the body.  The heart has a unique energy.  And it is quite powerful.
This is the home of our joy, our sorrow, bliss and grief.  It is also our space of love.

Love.  That elusive emotion.  Sometimes it charges at us with blinding force.  Other times it seems to slip away.  Sometimes just out of reach.  It can lift us to soaring peaks and wound us to our very core.  Sometimes smothering and other times so very comfortable.  But the one unifying thing about love is “we all want it”.  It is our most primal longing to be fulfilled.   But what is “it”?

Have you ever met someone in a random situation where your eyes locked and you felt like you had known them forever?  Where your conversation was immediately so comfortable and deep that you felt you could talk forever?  Where when it is time to separate it felt like two magnets being pulled apart?  That is one of the Universe’s way of giving us a glimpse of LOVE.  It is the seeing of the other’s soul through the window of their eyes.  LOVING them not for who they are, what they wear or what they look like, but because it is like talking to yourself. 

Most of the love we experience in life is personal love.  The love of our friends, family, homes, traditions……and it is beautiful and wonderful and provides us with support, warmth and joy.  But it contains some boundaries and limitations because it is the type of love that we seek from the outside.  The feeling that someone or something outside of us will “complete us”….. make us whole…make us happy.   That missing piece that when we find it, we will be full.  Like a pie with a missing slice.   Looking to be “loved”.   But when the piece no longer fits correctly, or our empty space shifts or changes, the love fade away.  It no longer serves us.  This is human nature. 

But the emotion we look to awaken in Anahata, the heart, is LOVE.  Unconditional, universal.  Vibrational.  It is spiritual and it is contained completely within you.   And when this is touched…when this is opened, it is like a volcano.  Limitless and filled with tremendous power and light.  Fulfilling….right out to the edges of your being,  becoming “complete” from within.  Needing nothing from without.   A perfect circle.  And because it is an ever flowing fountain, it can’t be contained within the artificial boundary of the skin – so you begin to emanate LOVE.   Not looking for love, but being LOVE.  ……and the more you give, the more you feel.

And from this space you can begin to see it in others.  Recognizing “you” in everyone.  All flowing from the same fountain. Feeling the other “complete” circles when your paths meet. 

LOVE is like coming home. 

"and think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course"
                          ~The Prophet (Kahlil Gibran)

But we must LOVE ourselves first, 

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