Sunday, July 17, 2022

....a day in the life

Much of my experience in summer is done through my feet!

During vacation I watched the fascination that my six month old grandson had with his feet. One of life’s early rites of passage. As soon as he lies down for a changing, the feet fly toward the ceiling, the hands grab hold, and into the mouth they go. Chewing and slobber ensue. A sensory delight. Our feet are one of the first body parts we become aware of and they then take us on every step of this magical journey of life.

Summer is the time to set them free! Have you been outside with bare feet yet this summer? Have you given them new experiences? Our feet tell us much about the world around us. I’ve been noticing a day in the life of my feet.

In the mornings after my shower, I don’t put on shoes. As I move through my morning routine they feel the cool smoothness of the wood floors and softness of the area rugs. They notice if something is sticky. Or wet. At times when I walk through the foyer I feel sand and an image appears of Phoebe romping at the river’s edge. Out comes the dust broom or mop.

My feet head outside, loving to walk through the morning dew on the grass. No matter how hot or heavy the air is, my feet are cool as a cucumber. The clover tickles my toes. Walking in grass quickly brings back memories of summer childhoods. Soft. Lush.

Next on the agenda is a stroll through the vegetable garden for some weeding and harvesting. My feet land on the bare earth which seems so dense compared to the grass. Solid. Grounding. Home.

I walk the flagstone path of my wheel which runs north to south and notice how completely different it feels from the mulch path that leads from east to west. I stand on one of the rocks that create the outline of the garden so I can reach in to cut a flower. Noticing how my toes leap into action to keep me steady.

To get back to the downstairs door I walk across the gravel driveway. At the beginning of the summer I do a considerable amount of ‘ooh-ah- ing’ as I walk gingerly on my pale winter softened feet. But by July they are tan and tough and I am walking the entire length of the driveway. I know it sounds silly but there is something about being able to do that which makes me feel powerful!

Mud, puddles, hot sidewalk, the sand, my yoga mat…… feet tell me exactly where I am. And when dirt gets stuck between my toes, I head for the hose for an exhilarating foot shower.

Finally, as the sun is setting on Phoebe’s last walk of the day, the still warmed blacktop of the street feels heavenly.

Happy feet,

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