Sunday, April 3, 2022

......what do you see?

Spring is springing!

I love this time of year. Constant newness…… Each morning I stroll through the yard to see what appeared as I slept. Peonies pushing their heads through the dirt and leaves.  A dandelion bloom waving to me from a crack in the front walk. Leaves beginning to unfold on the hydrangea. I see them.

Only hours later I walk through again and already there is more. A spot of green here……purple flowers in the lawn. A bee has emerged and rests on the Lenten rose. As if the whole world is recreating itself moment by moment around me. Things aren’t there and suddenly they are……

Spring is a reminder that nothing stays the same. Nature lets go of the old and creates the new effortlessly. We have the same abilities but at times our skills get rusty. Spring is a great time to dust off those creative powers!

We are infinite creators, making our lives up as we go. Moment to moment, day to day. But sometimes it doesn’t feel like it. We get in a rut, as I have lately, and it seems that life is happening to us. But each of us is powerful beyond measure when we energetically shift into conscious creating.

For me, between a pandemic and a long cold winter, everything is seeming ‘same old same old’. Yet here we are emerging from winter and covid, with restaurants, gyms, movie theaters all open and expecting our return. As if we are supposed to jump back into what we were doing two years ago without skipping a beat. It all feels exhausting. I don’t necessarily want to do exactly what I was doing before.

It’s easy to see what we don’t want, but what is it that I do want? What is it that you want? The sky is the limit!

Uncovering our truest wants and desires is the first step in conscious creating and can often be the most challenging. Spring is here to help.

This spring season is governed by the element of water. Picture those spring rains which clear out the old and bring to life all that has patiently lay dormant beneath the earth for months. The water energy can help get us ‘unstuck’ too and into the flow.

What is it that you want to create?

I stand in front of my garden, with its old growth entwined with new sprouts. What do I want to create? Perhaps I will grow St Johns wort over there, move the bergamot to a new spot, clear space at the edge of woods, add a trellis, sow wildflowers out front. I can already imagine it!   

It seems easy in the garden. The trick is to remember that our life is like one enormous garden!

As you stroll your yard and see what nature is creating, ask yourself what it is you want to create and be quiet and listen. Take your time. The answers lie in your heart.

Once you know, see your life (like my garden) as if you have already created it. Visualize yourself having it, being it, doing it, living it……. Your thoughts become things so be clear. See your life blooming!

What you see in your mind, you can hold in your hand,

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