Sunday, February 21, 2021

.....I have something to say

We have several major energy centers in our bodies and one of them is at the base of the throat. Our communication center. It is here that we find our voice.

The funny thing is we have multiple voices. Listen to yourself over these next few days and see if you can hear each one. Maybe you have your parent voice. You know, the one that drives kids crazy and causes eyeballs to roll. Or then there is the work voice. Suddenly knowledgeable and exuding confidence, even though you have absolutely no idea how to handle the issue at hand.  

The friend voice, the neighbor voice or the one that as you are speaking even you are wondering who this person is. These are all masks we select based on what we believe is expected of us at the time, how we can best fit it, or what will make others think better of us. These voices are composed and spoken from our thinking mind.

Then we have another voice. This one is pure, expressing itself using words that arise from much deeper. Your authentic voice. The voice of the true you who lies below the mind and does not bend to whims of the outer world.  It takes  the light of your inner world and shares it with others, never causing harm.

When we meet someone and have our standard chit chat, we form an instant impression of who this person is by the voice they use.  Friendly. Demeaning. Strong willed. Quiet.  Yet these are not them. Over time spending more time together we begin to sense the one behind the mask. Suddenly finding ourselves explaining to others that he ‘isn’t like that’ and knowing they don’t believe us.

The voice is one aspect of our throat. This is also our radio tower where our vibration radiates out. The unique note that you are. When close to another we can feel it and at times the vibration seems out of tune with the voice we hear. It feels there is something they need to say, but for some reason they can’t.

There are many reasons this happens and when it does, we feel trapped. Not able to allow the pure me on the inside to be seen and heard on the outside. The throat door has been locked. The energy when our throat center is clear and open is freedom, and this is anything but free. Swallowing our words.

When we keep busy and live in our thoughts there is no issue. The noise keeps us from even hearing our inner voice which won’t try to yell over thoughts. Often this may be why we dread times of quiet and stillness. When we sit in silence we can’t help but hear our voice. And if it differs from the mind’s voice, do we have the courage to unlock the door…..

That is what meditation is to me. Taking a set amount of time every day to listen. To hear myself and what I want from this precious life I have been gifted. The meditation practice then helps me to feel safe enough to let others hear.

My throat energy has always been my ‘work in progress.’ I realized this week that in a way this blog has been a vehicle for letting the inner me speak. Letting you hear my heart. Letting me out.

Thank you for hearing me,

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