Sunday, November 15, 2020

....four seasons of change

Humans are adaptable creatures. It may take us some time when a change is thrown our way, but soon enough we change along with it. Take this year……

Spring was on the horizon. Seedlings pushing their heads up beneath the wet matted leaves, and daylight about to catch up with night. The clocks had sprung ahead only the previous weekend when ‘Bam!’, an uninvited guest arrived. Her name was Covid.

Spring was the time of new. Stormy. We didn’t understand her so we huddled at home and poured through the news hoping for some certainty. How long was she staying? How do I stay healthy? Is my family safe? All while I wiped my delivered groceries with the one canister of anti-bacterial wipes that a friend graciously gifted me.

Store shelves empty, we learned to navigate alternative food sources. Service providers scrambling to grow new ways of operating to meet the changing customer needs. Many of us finally joined Venmo and I became a Zoom expert. I planted my garden knowing the earth had not changed.

Along comes summer, with its bright sun and call to be outdoors. By then I had learned to navigate. Always providing the required 6 feet to passers by as I hiked, visited the river, and sat by the creek. Comfortable now to have a few others over for dinners on the deck. Seeing my boys once again and with the now understood precautions, making all three beach vacations a reality. Summer, a time of warmth, relaxation and fun. A mask now always in my pocket. Another in the car.

Fall. As the leaves change color and rain down from the trees, the numbers of cases rise. Outdoor dining becomes a less reliable option but my cooking continues. Fresh fish, plenty of herbs and spices and testing out new techniques. Making vegetable stock in preparation for the soup season. The families who created a new habit of walking around our block daily still passing by. The kids all out on their bikes.

I register for an online pranayama course (breath practice) to continue learning while other activities are limited. Strengthening my immune system with foods, herbs, movement and breath. I join Marco Polo, an app where you post short videos to your group, with my sister and parents. Like texting but video. My dad posts his Winston Churchill sounding wisdoms of the day. Staying connected. A few new masks ordered. I am getting used to my true hair color.

And soon winter will be upon us. The one season we haven’t shared with our guest. It is easy to become fearful. Yet we can and will adapt yet again.

This week I set up the table for the 1000 piece puzzle I will soon begin. This year perhaps there will even be two. Recently a quiet inner voice has been nudging me to try painting, so I am planning to ask for an easel and paints for Christmas to give it a go.  I have always said I can’t draw, but not sure I have ever seriously put that to the test. Checking catalogs for the warmest long underwear.

Stacking wood next to the fireplace. Preparing. Keeping a running list of the movies I want to watch. I have ordered lights which I will string across the beams of the great room to bring joy to the season. Why not! In fact, with no one coming to your house you can do anything you ever considered! My easel may stand in the middle of a room.

Four seasons of change, but spring will reliably return again. I have learned many things. One is that…..I am spending less, I want less, I need less.

I’m ready for you winter,

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