Sunday, March 22, 2020

.....even quieter


Who could possibly have imagined how much the world can change in one short week? In some ways it feels as if we are watching a movie. Empty grocery shelves, closed restaurants and cars sitting in driveways in the middle of a weekday afternoon. Neighbors waving from afar while the news streams the latest numbers. Impermanence.

Everything in life changes. Even these bodies we inhabit are different from day to day. Yet right now the changes are coming so fast and furious that our minds can’t even keep up. As if we are being swept up in a windstorm, beyond our control. But that is ok. There is one still point……

Place one hand in the center of your chest with the other hand on top. Drop the chin and the inner gaze to the spot you are holding. Here is where we find the heart energy and is the home of your soul. The soul is the one unchanging thing in this world of constant movement. Feel the breath there. Here there is always peace and it waits for you to notice.

Change is uncomfortable and our cause of suffering. We suffer when we lose what we love and also when what we don’t want comes towards us. Yet change is the one constant. But there is one still point……
Earth is asking (well maybe demanding as it didn’t work when she asked more gently) for us to slow down. One by one, the things we ‘do’ are being pulled back. Less cars, less noise. No events, appointments or parties. Days more leisurely. Personally, patting myself on the back for slowing down and taking this all in stride.

Then Thursday morning I went for a run and took a different route. I turned down a street which leads toward the river. Lined with towering trees and absent of any streetlights, I looked into the dark hush. There was a different energy. I paused to notice and feel it, closing my eyes. The message I received was to slow down even more. To get even quieter. To listen.

Hhhmmmmm…… Yes. Let go and listen. There are so many messages for us now. Wildlife returning to streams, canals and even town roads. Cleaner skies and more people outdoors. And new ways of living are beginning to bubble up. Are we willing to listen? Or will we simply ‘get through’ this and return to life as it was?

Change is uncomfortable and can involve sorrow and often hardship. But it also creates a blank canvas for new. Chances to step forward and do all those things you always said you were going to do. For me this meant finally being brave enough to stand in front of my pc and lead a practice without a live audience. Something I have promised to do for several years now but never quite got to it. And one change leads to another and another…..

Spend this time wisely. Be informed but also sit still and listen. Here the words of the Universe.  This is an opportunity. And also figure out what is the new thing you are going to do this week.

Closing my eyes and listening,

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