Sunday, December 29, 2019


How is it possible? The year where we hid 2000 dimes for the kids to find is now twenty years in the rear-view mirror. Yikes! Each year has been unique. Each offering its own gifts, challenges, lessons and learnings. Each exactly as it was supposed to be, creating the me I am now.

Yet here I stand yet again staring into the clear space of a new year filled with unlimited possibilities. What do I wish to create in this new year and new decade?

As time sweeps us into this uncharted territory of a new year it is time once again for me to select my ‘word’. A word that sets the intention of the frequency at which I want to vibrate. Fierce, simplicity and gratitude have guided me these last few years. The year 2020 will be led by the word – KIND.
The feeling tone of a word can be difficult to put into words. Oxford dictionary defines it as “generous, helpful and caring of other people” but that seems a little too fluffy to me for some reason. Too light. And kindness differs greatly from being nice. Can you feel that?

When I close my eyes and feel ‘kind’ the energy radiates from a deep well within. It doesn’t boast or look for something in return. It is simple and quiet, yet courageous. Steady and not disturbed by the outer world. A way of being….not of doing.

This week I was listening to Buffalo Springfield’s ‘For what it’s worth’ when time suddenly stood still. It felt like I was observing the world exactly as it was at that very moment…..  

There's something happening here
What it is ain't exactly clear

I saw each of us on one side or another, all believing we are right….

There's battle lines being drawn
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong

The word hate and polished forms of meanness thrown casually around on both sides…….

Singing songs and carrying signs
Mostly say, hooray for our side

As I watched without all of the stories, a call for kindness echoed back. Kindness to the world.
Kindness to bring us closer.

So that is my intention. To be kind. To others, to animals, insects, the earth and myself. Kind in my thoughts, words and how I move through my day. And most importantly, but most challenging.... kind to those with whom I disagree.  I will sit with this each morning as I meditate.

What is your word? I would love to hear it!

I am kind,

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