Sunday, September 22, 2019

......never lonely

I am alone a good portion of each day. No longer in a corporate job, I have no office to go to in the morning.  As I get older, I don’t enjoy shopping much so besides a short weekly trip to the coop, my food is my CSA share with most of my other needs met by the brown boxes of Amazon and alike. My car sits idle and I am in silence.

Yet I never feel lonely……I was reminded of this while out in the garden.
If you are a gardener or spend time with plants you know what I mean when I say that each plant has a personality. Some are silly, like lemongrass, while others are more serious, like sage. Rosemary is no nonsense where mint is a free spirit. And hard to find anyone gentler and kinder than lavender. When I am with them all I am surrounded by friends. They surprise me each day.

Then there are the bugs. Of course, the butterflies fluttering around me, but the bees who bump into me in their zest to reach the goldenrod and the red beetle convention that is held annually on the dying butterfly weed. The earthworms as I dig and the occasional praying mantis who stares and uses that front arm to let me know who’s boss. I know them all.

There is the wind. Oh, the wind. When a breeze rushes through and brushes my skin, I feel hugged. At times gently and other times feeling as if I am being swept off my feet. Dancing with and leaning into the arms of wind. A gift.

The sun’s rays give me warmth while winking and daring me to try something new. To be uncomfortable. When the luminous rays of the moon shine on me, she reminds me that I am a sensual being, making me feel alive. They both make me tingle.

The frog I almost stepped on yesterday made me laugh and when the hummingbird bathed in the spray from my hose, her innocent sweetness made my heart fill with joy. They lighten my day.

Human companionship is incredible, but when it isn’t possible, or perhaps you’ve had too much, remember that all of the Universe wants to befriend you. As I wrote the above, it became clear that we are never alone……and most certainly should never feel lonely.

Under the ever watchful eye of the trees,

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