Sunday, May 12, 2019

.....sly as a fox

My yard includes a large patch of woods with a creek at the bottom of a hill, so wildlife abounds.

Deer herds pass through and often hang out a few days, leaving behind telltale hoof marks in the mud of my garden. No mystery as to who ate all the heads off my black eyed susans. Deer are not known for their slyness. Nor are raccoons who make a raucous as they head home after a night of pilfering through our neighbors’ trash cans. Hawks cast shadows as they circle overhead while the chipmunks attempt to stay under the obvious leaf cover they prepared. 

And then we have fox.

We have always had fox. In fact, one year I stumbled across their den while walking the woods and was able to watch the four kits play. Another time I watched a fox catch a squirrel, it’s movement so quick it was a blur. But all in all fox sightings were spaced apart over time. They were something you remembered and mentioned to others. But all of that has changed.

Fox now are so prevalent they seem to ‘live’ amongst us. Where you used to spot them at dawn and dusk, any time of day is now fox time. There is one in particular that walks up the center of the street right smack in the middle of the day often. I now say hi and wave as if he were a neighbor passing by.
Another comes up through my woods and pauses at the fire pit before strolling through the grass almost daily. While quietly gardening the other day an adorable young one almost walked right into me, unaware of my presence until our eyes locked. Everyone on the street has stories and I am now hearing of other towns seeing foxes where before they were hidden.

So what’s up? Fox are known to be sly. When hunting they often go in pairs and pretend to play so the prey relaxes and watches only to have one sneak up behind it. When chased they lead you on a complicated path only to lose you and head back.  Why are they suddenly allowing themselves to be so visible to everyone?

I looked up the spirit meaning of the fox. Foxes represent stealth as their movements are agile and nearly silent. They signify that you are possibly being lied to, and cunningly led down a path that doesn’t serve you.  Leading you around by the nose. Hmmmmm…… Could the course we are on today as humans possibly need this fox message?

When fox crosses your path it can also indicate a period of big change coming, often one that is challenging and unpredictable. Yes, that feels about right……

Thankfully fox spirit can teach us to act swiftly finding new ways around the obstacles. Tuning into our awareness to see through any illusion and deception. Fox tells us to take wise action with discernment and quick moves. Some quick swift moves on our part are sorely needed these days……

The fox who laid down for me to take his picture has a message for us. Hopefully we are listening.

Cutting through illusion,

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