Sunday, June 10, 2018 awe


You would think that after some fifty plus years it would lose its sparkle. That by now I would find it blasé. So predictable. Nothing special as it happens every day. But oh no.  Quite the opposite. 

Every time it takes my breath away……..
How amazing is this Earth we call home! That I am able to take a seemingly lifeless dry seed the size of my pinkie fingernail and place it into dirt and a week later see that telltale small crack in the earth’s surface.  The unmistakable hint of what is to come. And later that day taking my evening stroll through the plants to see what they are up to, only to discover a sprout spreading herself wide open, clearly grateful to have finally been released from her temporary close quarters.  Welcome Green Bean!

My heart skips a beat. We all long for miracles to take us away from the mundane when all we really have to do is look down. 

I am one of those gardeners that trusts the earth to know what to do. Perhaps it is really that I lack some patience. I don’t test the soil, add minerals or ‘feed’ my plants. I simply get on my knees, turn the soil for a moment or two, dig a little hole and drop the seed in. No fuss, no muss.

Then all that is required is water, which somehow miraculously happens to fall from the sky above us with frequency, and bright light.  What brighter light could there be than that the enormous ball of fire that rises above us every single day without fail?  I watch each day as this new life I co-created reaches toward it.

And did I mention that in a few weeks I will be enjoying her delicious gifts with my dinner?

No, I never tire of it. And if I feel at all removed, it only takes about 15 minutes of quietly sitting in nature to pull me right back in. Miracles all around! The deep throated croak of the frogs that crack me up. The deer I spot resting in the leaves in the woods with his newly formed fuzzy horns and that large purple ball of a flower that amazingly manages to sit perched on top of a three-foot high skinny stem for us to enjoy. 

The wonder of earth. Let’s all be kind to her. 


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