Sunday, September 4, 2016


Thursday’s yoga practice.  I’m lying on my back.  I’m in bridge pose on the beach house deck when I notice the dead wood in the tree above that watches over me while I practice.  I will have to get to that. Time to call the tree guy.  Some cleaning out is needed!

Two days later tropical storm Hermine blew in bringing with her some gusty winds.  Boom!!  What was that?  As I peer out the back, broken limbs are now scattered on the deck where I once lay.  Mother Nature doing her own housekeeping.  Pruning, thinning and clearing out that which no longer serves her.  No need for the phone call…..just a broom.
At home I have a front porch.  It collects leaves, bugs, spider webs, dust and pine needles.  It too needs cleaning.  So I keep a broom out there.  Often I will go out to  sweep.  Sweeping to one side. Sweeping to the other side.  Methodically moving back and forth until it all looks clear.  Fresh and new.  Out with the old and in with the new.

The next day….it looks like I was never out there. Covered again. The tree and the porch are like our mind.  

The dirt, leaves, dead wood and pine needles are life.  Deadlines, misunderstandings, ailments, traffic and unfulfilled longings.  Shame, an old resentment.  All piling up until we feel unclear.  All taking up space not leaving much room for the new.  In need of a broom.

Wind is Mother Nature’s broom.  The breath is our broom.  The inhale moves everything up to one side.  The exhale moves it down to the other.  Methodically moving it back and forth until everything is gathered up and can move out.  Leaving us free and clear.

Meditation is this sweeping of the mind.  Noticing the dead wood and the dirt that has built up in the hidden corners.  Choosing to sweep those out with breath.  To let them go.  Free and clear after each session so that the new can pour in. 

Mother Nature does this so naturally.  Us…not so much.  She doesn’t hesitate to sweep out what is stagnant (including us if we don’t shape up and start treating her with a little more reverence.)  With a sudden gust of wind, a torrent of water, a blazing fire or a powerful shake she lets things go.  Out with the old and in with the new.

Life builds up.  I sweep it out with breath each day as I sit.


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