Sunday, September 25, 2016

......falling down

I have fallen a few times this year.  Fortunately they all resulted  in some minor scrapes, bumps and a bruised ego, but no major issues (thank you yoga!!) Falling is part of life. It happens to all of us. 

As kids we fall all of the time. Having three sons I learned that falling can even be an art, practiced over and over in front of an adoring audience. Children fall with grace and humor. Falling as an adult is lot less elegant. Thud.   (some good falls in this one)

I was thinking about this as on my morning run.  The fact that I am aging and will eventually down the road be referred to as ‘old’.  And older people are always told to – be careful.  Yikes. The vision of living ‘carefully’ each day is not one that gets me leaping out of bed in the morning.  I prefer to believe the path forward is living ‘mindfully’.

Careful vs Mindful.  What exactly is the difference?

Careful - making sure of avoiding potential danger, mishap, or harm; cautious (synonyms – beware, wary, on guard, watch out)
Mindful – conscious; aware of something; present (synonym – watchful, respectful, observant)

One of my falls was while running with Phoebe. We were passing another dog on a leash and I was pulling her toward me while she strained in the other direction. One of her feet and one of mine became tangled and down I went.  Hello pavement! After that incident my well-meaning concerned friends told me to ‘be careful’. 

That gives me two options. Don’t run in the dark with Phoebe or be attentive to danger while heeding my every step. Neither one works for me. But being mindful does. Being present and aware, not lost in thought. Being more in tune with her movements and energy.  Noticing where my feet strike the earth.  ‘Careful’ to me feels heavy and suggests fear of possibilities, where ‘mindful’ hints at wide awake and knowing. Neither one will eliminate our spills but each lends a different life feeling tone when we are upright. 

My 90 year old mother-in-law has also had some falls. Unfortunately hers did result in some broken bones. Everyone keeps cautioning her to ‘be careful’. Don’t do this, call help for that, stop going there. She nods but then continues on with life.  I have watched and talked to her. She shares that she is fine and knows what feels right and what doesn’t. Taking her time. Respecting her body’s new limitations.  I watch her make her way to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee and I quickly offer to carry it back to the couch for her – wanting her to ‘be careful’.  “No thank you dear, I can do it”  And she does……  Mindfully.  She has chosen living over worry. 

I walk barefoot……be careful they say.  I spend time in the woods… careful they say. I don’t wear bug spray….be careful they say.  I talk to the fox….be careful they say.  I don’t lock my car… careful they say. I trust people…..oh boy, be careful they say. 

Should I be careful who I fall in love with – or - be mindful of how much love I have to share and shine it out on all.

A mindful life or a careful life?  Which do you choose?

I’ll take one of the mindful thank you,

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