Sunday, May 19, 2013

Throat......ASK LOUDLY!

Listening Yogis,

“Can you hear that?”

Notice what you do with both your body and mind when someone says – “Can you hear that?”  Or when a noise startles you awake in the middle of the night.  “Did you hear that?”    Shhhh…I am trying to listen.

When we choose to listen….really listen…we do it not only with the ears, but instead open up all of our senses to ‘hear’ with the entire body.    It is the same way when listening for guidance.    It requires stillness and silence so that the messages from within can be heard.   Opening in order to absorb. 

And just to be clear – silence does not imply no noise.  When we become good at this, we can listen deeply even in the middle of chaos.  We can pick out the singing of the wren above the drone of the planes.  We can hear what the other is trying to say even when they can’t seem to find the right words.   We become able to effortlessly sift through all of life’s noise to hear the true meaning. 

The other side to Vissuddha chakra is communicating out that which you have heard.  Making it real.   This is our communication.  Our authentic voice.  Our vibration. 

This week while we continue to listen let’s work with two forms of outward communication – speaking to the Universe and journaling. 

Speaking to the Universe.  This can be one of our purest forms of speaking.  We can simply be us with no need to use a certain voice or choose our words carefully.    The Universe is constantly communicating and giving to us and this is a way of changing it into a 2 way conversation.   It can begin as simply as a “thank you for this beautiful day” or “good morning” each time you wake.    A simple “thank you” when you step outside and feel a breeze or “you are just gorgeous” when you turn a corner and the beauty of spring takes your breath away.  But don’t just think it……say it…..out loud.    “Hello Moon!” when you notice her in the night sky.  Or “ok I get it!” when a situation finally hits you over the head with a message of what you are supposed to do.   The Universe has a wonderful sense of humor.

And finally…..tell the Universe clearly and loudly what it is that you want.    State it.  The Universe works best when you are very clear.    This isn’t asking with the ‘hope’ of receiving (which makes it a little different than prayer).  You ask with the expectation that it will come.   So those visions of what we want to manifest in our lives, that we have been seeing with our unwavering focus – now it is time to also speak them.    Whatever you need – ASK LOUDLY. 

BTW – talking to your plants or to the birds counts as well!

Journaling.  This week keep a little notebook by your bed or somewhere that you will see it each night and take just 5 minutes to journal.  Open to a blank page…..look back through your day….listen….and then write.  Just short quick phrases of what ways the Universe communicated with you.    Not “I went to the store”, but perhaps, “I saw Sue today at the store after just having thought of her”.     

Here is mine today -  Saw my first hummingbird of the summer.   Wren has taken up residence in my birdhouse.  I wake to her singing.  Molly  struggles but is showing me the way.  Garden is beginning to bloom.   I asked the Universe to help me “see” my website.  Teaching throat this week has helped me feel more energy.  I made stinging nettle and catnip tinctures. 

The more you do these two thing, the more you form a relationship.  A bond.  A deep meaningful friendship.  Sensing how you are supported, held, guided and loved - always.    And when you find this….you never ever feel alone. 

I have a lot to say,

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