Monday, February 4, 2013

Your life as a mirror


There is one of the spiritual teachings that I have found to be quite challenging.  For the longest time I just tried to ignore it because I couldn’t imagine that it could be true.  How could it be ………

But lately I have been seeing it a little more clearly and noticing that maybe, just maybe it might actually work.
It goes something like this:

The outer world is merely a reflection of your inner world.  Your life is an invisible mirror reflecting back to you your inner landscape.

So what does that mean?  That when you look around, you are seeing yourself.  In everything.  This includes your friends, relationships, your job, your home, your beliefs and capabilities.   That the joys, frustrations, complications and bliss that seem to come to you, or at you, from the outside, are merely a reflection of what is happening in your soul.

So if this law of the Universe is true, then the life you want to live, the things that you desire, the feelings you want to be surrounded by, must all be created within you in order for your outer world to reflect them. 

Hhhhmmmmm…..  Wow.  If that is how life works, that leads to another whole level of responsibility that we have to take for ourselves.  No longer can we blame, complain, or feel hopeless.  We can’t wait for the right time, or wish for things to be different.  We can no longer look to the outside for solutions or believe that “life just happens”.  Only we can cause a shift.

Have you ever known someone who always seems to have some crisis going on in their life?   Or those who are always getting little injuries or catching every single germ that passes them by?   Those friends who always date the wrong person?  Or the one who gets mistreated constantly by others?

Often when we see this in others lives we can see it clearly.  We watch and notice that many of their troubles seem to be drawn to them because they expect them.  They talk about them.  They almost need them for their current identity.  But can we see it in ourselves?  Much harder.

So how do we cause a shift?

Whatever it is that you want to draw into your life……give it away to others as much as possible.  The is the law of giving and receiving.

One example comes to mind from my life.  I am very trusting.  Always have been.  I believe that people, for the most part, are good.  I give everyone the benefit of the doubt and have people coming in and out of my house all day long, and am very open with my space and belongings.  And in return I am trusted back, feel safe and don’t ever feel taken advantage of. 

If you want more happiness in your life … choose to be happy, even if it feels fake for a while.  Awaken happiness.
More money …..give more.  Simple gifts, your time, donations.
You want to be loved……show more love to others.  All of the time with no expectation of anything in return.
More contentment in your job… while you work.  Let go of struggle and your job will either become more satisfying or a new one will find its way to you
Better health…..feel healthy.  “Will health” as you walk through the germs.
A less busy life……slow yourself down

And those annoying people that drift into your world – they are there to teach you something you are ready to learn, so thank them

And the list goes on and on, but the simple premise is give, give, give.  Be of service.  Smile.  Live internally exactly the way you want your outer life to become.  And that is what will begin to show up for you. 

So don’t wait for the things you desire. Give them to others starting right now and watch what happens in the mirror!

 Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it.
                  ~Ernest Holmes        
Sending out love to you all,

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