Sunday, September 24, 2023

There are many myths and stereotypes on aging out there. Our culture doesn’t hold the same honor and respect for elders shown in many other countries. Older years are often viewed here as something to dread. A lessening of the good things in life. A decline. Even more so for women.

Not all see it this way though. I have decided I am going to incorporate Diane von Furstenberg’s perspective into my own life.

Diane is the clothes designer who shook up the women’s clothing world in 1976 with her introduction of the wrap dress. Now at 76 she says she is entering her winter, but boy is she doing it with class and beliefs that turn our outdated and superficial view of aging right on its head.  

Ask her how old she is and she responds that the question should be rephrased. We should be asking her how many years she has lived. How many glorious days she has been given the gift of walking on this magnificent earth we call home. Wow.

Because we are not 'aging'. We are living.

Whether you are thirty, sixty or eighty-nine, if you pause to see what you are doing at this moment, you are living. Breathing, feeling, smelling, seeing…….. Life is here for you at every moment without regard for age, so live each one to the fullest!

My face carries all of my memories. Why would I erase them? 
~ Diane von Furstenberg

Another phenomenon we experience is not feeling the age we are turning. My mom and I have talked about this often, including last week. After some thought I told her I felt 50 even though it says sixty-one on my driver’s license. Now I am rethinking that. Society has given us beliefs of what fifty feels like. What 80 feels like. But that’s nonsense!

Am I willing to exclude the wisdom I have accumulated, things I have learned and joys I have felt over these past eleven years from my life? When Diane is asked, she says she could be 300 for how full her life has been. Yes!

When I see you next, I won’t ask how old you are. I will ask how many years you have lived, and I will be awed.

Living......not aging,

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