Sunday, June 18, 2023


I was catching up with a young man that I hadn’t seen in a while. He had spent quite a bit of time with our family over his early years. He commented that it appeared my life was going well with my quickly expanding family, yoga and reiki offerings, gardening, beach house etc. He, being at one of those junctures in life where thoughts of what is next in career and relationships hang heavy, asked me how I did it. How I made it all happen.

The question was unexpected, but before my mind had even an instant to begin formulating my response, my mouth opened and the words ‘be kind’ came tumbling out. It clearly surprised him…….and honestly caught me off guard too. Where the heck did that come from?

I have been giving those words some space so I can tap into the well from which they sprang. I realize that I hold kindness as sacred. A basic tenet which forms a solid foundation for just about everything else to grow upon.

Kindness is not sexy. It’s not trendy. It’s not high tech, or efficient, or political. Kindness can sound fluffy or soft, but you know what? Kindness works and is pretty easy once you get in the groove. In fact, the kinder you are, the less struggle you face. Believing there is no need to beat someone, prove them wrong, make them see your point of view or get back at them is incredibly freeing! Kindness.

Be kind to people that look like you and those that don’t. Those that hold your beliefs and those that don’t.  Be kind to those you enjoy and those that annoy you. The cashier and the waiter. The stranger walking by……look them in the eye. Hold the door. Offer assistance. Let that car merge in….even though they rode the shoulder all the way up. Be an ear to those who need it.

The kindness I refer to pertains to people, but that is only the start. Bugs, birds, plants and trees all deserve our kindness. Even the air, the dirt and the water need our care. A touch. A word of gratitude. A clean birdbath for quick dips and long drinks. Brush for safety. A chemical free yard. Caring what happens to all around us.

I have been told at times that I am ‘too nice’ and will be taken advantage of. That is not my experience. Quite the opposite. Kindness is a gift you give and so many times unexpected gifts come back for things I was doing with no expectation of anything in return. Kindness begets kindness.

Am I always kind? No, of course not. But when I am not, an uncomfortable sensation settles in my gut and take some time to dislodge. It feels awful. Kindness on the other hand leaves a light joyful vibration behind. A tingle. It opens the heart a bit wider.

Each week as I am writing these notes I question myself. Is this a good topic? Does it make sense or matter?

Today while running back from the river a note written in chalk on the concrete wall of the underpass caught my eye. ‘Be Kind’ it said. Thank you, Universe!  Once again………..

Without kindness, what else matters,

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