Sunday, June 25, 2023


One of the things many of my students absolutely love when attending a workshop, reiki session, retreat or fire circle is the picking of oracle cards. Picking cards is one form of receiving guidance.

I was introduced to oracle cards by my teacher Neva, fifteen years ago. She had a set called Ascended Masters which contained 44 cards, each depicting a great spiritual teacher. Some had travelled this earth in human form, such as Jesus or Buddha. Gods or goddesses such as White Tara, and others who belong to the natural world, like Green Man. Each one holds their own lessons and messages. I too loved the cards.

Picking cards is a form of ritual. As with any ritual, you first want to become grounded and present. I always sit on the floor and wait until I can sense that I am aware. Watching the breath for a moment or two is a sure way to bring yourself to this moment. Next you shuffle, hold, knock on the top of them or place the deck against your heart. Some way of ensuring the cards have your energy infused into them.

You always want to use your left hand when asking for guidance. Our right side is our side of action. Of doing and giving. Sun energy. That is why most people are right-handed. The left side, however, is where we receive. Our calmer, cooler side. Intuition. The moon.

The cards are spread face down with the left hand and then you mentally ask for guidance on the situation you are inquiring about. You aren’t asking for the answer. Instead, you are requesting a message that will lead you to the answer. Or a sign that takes you to the next step of your path. If there isn’t any burning issue, you simply ask for life guidance. Where should my focus go.

You then select a card with the left hand. There are no right or wrong ways to pick. Some like to slowly run their left hand just above the cards to see if one ‘feels’ different. Or sometimes one seems to appear brighter or grab your attention immediately. As if it is yelling ‘pick me!’ If a card comes flying out, which happens sometimes…..that is the one. No need to think or dwell. Just pick!

Every set is different but the card will typically have a picture of the master, or animal or scene with either a word, a poem, or a message beneath. Then there is almost always a guidebook which provides more information on the guidance being given.  

Sometimes when you see your card it is like a lightening bolt. So dead on that you feel a tingle. Other times it may not make sense at the time. Perhaps it doesn’t seem to pertain at all to the question you asked. Give it time and space. Usually over the next day or week something will cross your path that makes you remember the card or message and connects the dots.

There are so many types of oracle cards. Angels, spirits, animals, the moon, herbs, flowers…… Choose a deck that speaks to you.

To receive guidance from the Universe (it is always pouring down on us, but we are often too embedded in our brains to sense it) we must be open. Watching and listening. Expecting to be lead. Wanting to be lead. Oracle cards are a simple and fun way to step into a guided life which is an exciting way to live.

Today I picked ‘Trust in the Magic,

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