Sunday, August 7, 2022

.....fairy tale

This time of year it’s hard not to feel like you have woken up in a fairy tale. The peak of summer with its lush canopy of green, full heavy bushes and brilliant displays of color as the zinnias, phlox and black eyed susans hit their stride. Bird song fills the still air while the consistent background hum of the insects sets the vibration for the day. Can you feel them? A feast for the senses.

Its impossible to spend time outside and not be amazed by something.

Take this past Tuesday. It had rained overnight and as Phoebe and I head out to run we find something in the middle of the street. Closer inspection reveals the lump to be a frog out enjoying the morning moisture. ‘Well good morning!’ as we greet him and head on our way.  A moment later a dark outline appears, with eyes glowing from a nearby streetlight. I recognize the telltale shape with pointy ears just as Phoebe gets a whiff. Mr Fox sits in the street waiting for us to get close before scooting into the nearest yard. He watches us pass.

The afternoon brings a deer family napping at the edge of my woods. I step out onto the deck and the male bluebird flies up to greet me. ‘I haven’t seen you in a while! Welcome back!’ I head out to put meal worms in the feeder. Three morning doves, two cardinals and a titmouse swoop in to join the excitement. ‘She’s coming!’ I hear them exclaim.

‘I haven’t seen many butterflies this year’ I think, and on queue a yellow swallowtail floats in to land on a vivid fuchsia zinnia, as if posing. A small snake slithers by. Rose mallow spreads herself open and invites me in.

As I check on the cucumbers (almost ready) I can’t help popping cherry tomatoes in my mouth from the fruit laden plant and plucking leaves of arugula straight from the ground. Yum! My leg brushes the rosemary, and her heady scent releases. Aaaahhhhh……  The freshness of the mint in my lemon water cools my soul on this steamy day.

A hummingbird hovers.

Fresh sliced watermelon, corn on the cob, sliced peaches in my yogurt, ice cream cones……. You would think I had died and gone to heaven. Wait. Perhaps this is heaven.

Some believe that if we put our head down, be good and make it through this life we will be rewarded with something spectacular. I can’t help but believe that we are already being given the extraordinary right here…..right now. This gift.

You won’t find me waiting. I intend to dive headfirst into this glorious messy rollercoaster of a fairy tale I am living. I can see and feel the divine mystery here in every single part of it.

 And then there are dragonflies……

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