Sunday, April 4, 2021

......visualizing bluebirds

A friend mentioned in class that she saw a bluebird on her feeder. A first in her yard! In fact, we don’t have them in the neighborhood. Oh, I want to see a bluebird! I don’t know that I have ever seen one. She says she will send it my way.

I start watching out the window. I listen to a recording of the bluebird calls thinking maybe I can hear them. I look at pictures online to make sure I recognize them when they arrive. As I walk down the street, I search the trees. I even paint a picture of a bluebird!

Holding my awareness on what I want to create in my life…..

When hearing about a bluebird, many picture the blue jay. I have blue jays. Those good sized boisterous birds with a pointed hat are hard to miss. Bluebirds, on the other hand are quite a bit smaller with an iridescent blue head and back, and an orange chest similar to the robin. Sometimes they are even referred to as the ‘blue robin.’

A few days later, walking through my great room a flash of blue catches my eye out the back window. I stand and wait and there he is! She not far behind with a softer grayer blue. Gone again in the blink of an eye.

I begin to see them more often, aware now of where they like to land. Thinking perhaps I could attract them to nest, I begin looking for bluebird houses. I order one and wait.

They arrive daily now and soon are checking out my old yellow birdhouse that Danny made years ago. Of all the birdhouses I have, this is without a doubt the most popular. I watch birds argue over it and one family often waits for another to move out to quickly slide in for their turn. It’s prime real estate and like today’s market it causes a bidding war.

Every day they come. They land. They go in and out to take the tour one more time. I visualize them moving in…….

Not so fast say the sparrows. Little but spunky they can be the bully on the block. Not that they necessarily want the house, they just don’t want the bluebirds to have it. My neighbor tells me that sparrows are a threat to bluebirds. Oh no. I’m not going to visualize that.

Much swooping, dive bombing and bickering ensues, yet the bluebirds hold their ground. They found the house of their dreams and don’t seem willing to let it go without a fight.

Each day I go out to have a word with the lead sparrow, reminding him that they have houses in the front yard already. That there is food for everyone, a new birdbath on the property and safety. I begin sending out the energy of ‘peaceful coexistence’ and ‘enough for all.’ He responds by building a nest with his mate in the green birdhouse adjacent to the yellow one. Hhmmmmmm……

I continue to ‘see’ a bluebird family in the yellow house and the sparrow family in the green house, projecting that image out into the universe with trust.

Ms Bluebird has begun to build a nest. Mr Bluebird is so sweet, taking his job as protector quite seriously. Standing on top surveying the property while she goes to gather material. Doing a little happy shake when she arrives back and bending his neck to look in the hole, checking on her progress. The sparrow watches from the house next door.

The answer to what we ask for isn’t always yes. Nature swirls and dances and the outcome will be what it will be, so I will try not to attach. Yet I will continue to do my part, sending welcoming energy to my new friends……the bluebirds.  

Stay tuned,

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