Sunday, October 4, 2020

.....grandma pose

Earlier this week I learned that my grandson would be coming for a sleepover on Saturday night. Over these last few months I have seen him, but this would be his first visit to my house and first sleepover since the start of Covid. Hurray!

I would once again get to use my grandma pose……

In one of my classes we have been spending a couple minutes in this posture every week.  Working to strengthen our feet, keep our knees flexible and gain better balance by taking the hands off the floor. This summer I decided it needed a name that I could use to direct us into it and then it came to me! This is the position that is required in the line of grandma duty. Thus, the grandma pose was born.  

I have been a grandmother for five years now and I go by the name ‘Nana’, following my family’s tradition. It’s a role that has no training or preparation. A unique relationship where you can be with someone you love so much that your heart feels like it is going to burst, yet unlike with your own children, you get to give them back at the end of the weekend. A role in which you can share your passions, teach based on what’s happening in the present moment and wiggle a bit outside the rules.

And I love to do all of this while down at eye level. Sitting on the floor or crouching into grandma pose to see the world from their eyes. Remembering how it feels to be so innocent and open. Every day a chance not only for something amazing, but for your whole world to be rocked. New tastes, smells and never before experienced ideas.  

Saturday night I showed him how to build a fire in the firepit and as we sat around it we discussed trees, birds, and how to roast a marshmallow…..a first for him. After demonstrating the various techniques of slow cook, evenly browned, engulfed in flames before blowing out, or flattened into a smore, he determined his favorite was marshmallows right out of the bag. He knows what he likes.

At the river we removed our shoes and rolled up our pants to wade across to a small island. A bold Nana suggestion. Carefully stepping through rocks and moss while mud squeezed between our toes we worked to stay upright. He was beaming as we reached land.

Whether crawling on hands and knees behind him with our Hess fire trucks as we headed to two alarm fires, sitting on the floor for I don’t know how many car races in the yoga room, or grabbing the big shovel to help him dig his hole, I was grateful for the time on my mat that allows me to dive in to my Nana time with both feet.  

Until you are knocked off balance……

Dropping him off on Sunday I squatted down into Grandma pose to give him a goodbye kiss. Grateful to be Nana…..

I will sleep well tonight,

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