Sunday, May 3, 2020

.....amazing things

If you look up the definition of the word ‘amazing’, here is what you find.  Causing great surprise or sudden wonder……astonishing…..startlingly impressive. It has become an overused word in our culture though. Amazing cleaning products, shoes and hairstyles. Yet when used in its truest sense, it seems to be a word we would reserve for those infrequent happenings that cause a quickening of the heart. A catch in our breath. But is it true that amazing things are infrequent?
Indeed not.

One of the phrases I love is – Every day is a chance for something amazing! But to be even more precise I should say – Every moment is a chance for something amazing! Amazing-ness surrounds us, but we are typically swimming too deep in our stream of thoughts to notice. I realized this week that I had been in that deep end. Time to step out and towel off.

Waking the next morning, opening my eyes and mentally stating to myself ‘Today is a chance for something amazing!’ Not only as words, but a belief. Seeing the blank canvas of the day ahead filled with opportunity and expecting to be astonished. Because you should expect to receive whatever you are expecting.

That day did not disappoint! In the afternoon I went mushroom hunting with Phoebe in my woods. Down in the quarry bent over examining the ground I felt something. An energy. Looking over my shoulder I find myself eye to eye with one of the foxes. Phoebe too turns to look and the three of us stare in silence. Time stood still. Thank you, Universe!

Further along on our hunt, with the fox now trailing us a comfortable distance back, I am again
stooped over when there is a tremendous swoosh over my head. I watch as an owl lands on a low limb of the tree nearby. Another stare down. His large eyes locked on me as I quietly inch closer to get a picture. His head swiveling and then honing back in on me. My heart pounding in my chest. Thank you, Universe!

Expect what you expect. I am expecting amazing things.

Five heron, four baby geese, three hawks, two vultures and a snake. A bouquet of lilacs left on my porch by a friend and blooms appearing on my sage plant for the first time. Mommy wren waking me at dawn with her song as she is now raising her family in the birdhouse below my window.

Then this morning as I stood by the river welcoming in the new day, again mentally reminding myself that ‘Today is a chance for something amazing!’ the telltale swoosh appeared once more. An owl lands on a low branch in a tree nearby and we lock eyes. What a gift. I tell her she is amazing…..

Amazing things surround us! And the more you practice stating the intention and opening your awareness, the more amazing things continue to pour in. Expect to be awed and life will gloriously comply.

Can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings,

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