Sunday, April 19, 2020

.....treading lightly

During the first week of what was partial lock down, I cleaned out a closet in the house that hadn’t had my attention in way too long. Dust bunnies, single boots and broken umbrellas made their way into the trash. It felt good. ‘I will tackle one area each day or two and by the end of all of this the house will be in tip top shape!’ I thought to myself. That didn’t happen.

Nor did the reading I was planning to do. What a better time to catch up on books! I pulled two out and cracked one open. They both sit looking forlorn on my coffee table. I’m just not feeling it. Listening to my music. Nope.

Purchasing is another thing that isn’t happening. The telltale bark from Phoebe that the little white truck is throwing a package onto my porch hasn’t happened in weeks. I don’t feel the need to buy anything other than groceries (well and maybe some beer). Not that I am typically a big shopper, but right now I don’t want anything. I don’t even look through the catalogs pouring in.

In talking with others, I am not the only one. A friend who gets great joy from cooking, finding it now only a necessity. Another who can’t bring herself to sit at her pottery wheel, when only a couple of months ago she was creating some of her most beautiful pieces. What is that all about?

On the other hand, new is creeping in. I am now running more. Five days a week Phoebe and I head out to see the beauty of the world using only our 6 feet. I find myself sitting quietly to do the Sudoku in the paper every couple of days which I haven’t done in years. My morning shower has been shifting to evening, I’m visiting places with memories and sleeping soundly and longer.
I guess in conjunction with my not wanting to purchase, I am finding myself being even more conscious of my impact on this earth. Tearing paper towels in half to use only what is needed, washing out any plastic baggies that I use and figuring out delicious meals to make from leftovers and what is in the pantry. Saving eggshells to use in the garden and growing all of my own herbs from seed.  All in all, spending almost nothing.

Another gift which has weaved its way in is connecting with far away family and friends in a meaningful way. On the phone, through notes, and on zoom. ‘Seeing’ and talking to some relatives for longer and more often than I have in years.

Yes, change is most certainly in the air for all of us……but what are we going to do with this incredible opportunity that lies at our feet?

For many years now we have all known that life as it we knew it was not sustainable. Mother Nature knocked, knocked harder, and even harder. We didn’t listen. This time she has brought us to a standstill. A forced time out. When we begin to move again, how will we step forward.

Everyone is ‘hoping’ that some lessons are learned and that somehow we can keep the pollution down, the skies quieter and the rebound of nature continuing. But hoping will do nothing. ‘WE’ have to change. You and Me. Live more simply. Want less. Travel less. Save more. Are we capable?

This week a beloved yoga teacher, Beryl Bender Birch referenced the fox and its animal spirit of making itself invisible. Treading lightly on the earth. Leaving no trace. It is no small task for us humans and we didn’t believe it was possible……… but as we are seeing, it is. 

Can we follow the lead of the fox? Only time will tell.


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