Sunday, February 9, 2020's seeds

During the winter I can see my garden through the windows. Brown lanky stems holding up seed heads. Clumps of wet compacted leaves. Fallen plants which cover portions of the paths and even the shiny metal end of one of my hand shovels lying on its side, as if I was out there puttering only hours ago. 

This time of year my medicine wheel appears unkempt and messy, but I know it’s perfect. Birds taking cover in the brush while insects sleep nestled deep beneath. The fox trots through in search of dinner and the deer visit from time to time to snack. The seeming disorder providing needed support to nature’s creatures. The death of the garden now complete.
Then in a blink of an eye a shift happens. I am not tuned in enough to determine the exact day, hour or moment, but at some point, dying is complete and suddenly birth begins again. This year’s garden starts its march forward with or without my involvement……and I can sense it already has.

A couple of weeks ago the seed catalogs began to arrive in the mail. Another sign of the shift as the gardening season begins. It isn’t yet time to plant seeds or even order them necessarily, but it is time to daydream and decide what I want to plant. Most seeds placed beneath the soil will germinate so it’s important to be mindful of the ones we plant!

What is it that I want? 

Should I plant seeds of lavender to bring more peace and gentleness in? The rose may require attention but is guaranteed to awaken passion. Tall, leggy bergamot with her propensity to lean every which way could offer me more freedom….less rules. Or planting passionflower will make both me and the bees drunk on life.

Do I want to plant annuals which bring joy but leave an empty space next year offering potential for
swift change? Or perhaps I go with deep rooted comfrey that will provide trusty medicine for many, many years to come.

Our life is no different than the garden. Every single thought, action and step we take are like seeds being planted in our own fertile soil. They will indeed germinate with time and draw towards us that which we ourselves have nurtured. So why not be mindful of the ones we plant!

What is it that you want? What do you want to be, feel, see, hold? Be bold. You can grow anything! The only fence around your garden is your own mind.

I think I will be keeping the worry and negative thought seeds in their package, but definitely spreading the kindness and creativity seeds with abandon. Perhaps even the courage seeds are ready for planting this year.

As the full moon begins to wane, and night turns to day, and somehow low tide knows to turn her course to head back in, all of life swirls through this cycle of death and creation. We are included and can ride its wave. It is exciting and boundless.

Plant your seeds!

Consciously creating life,

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