Sunday, April 7, 2019

.......please take the reins

Spring has sprung! The cherry blossoms are in peak bloom and daffodils line the street all looking up and waving. And yesterday I saw the first dandelion bloom in my yard. Yes, spring has sprung, and the landscape trucks are rolling into town to get the lawns ready.

This brings up the topic of…….. (the back ground music now hits those low piano notes of fear and suspense) ……WEEDS!!!!  Aaaahhhhhh!

The energy of spring is one of life, joy, birth, expansion and growth. But for some reason in humans it brings out the warrior in us.
I drove past our local nursery and their sign announced that it is time to prepare the lawn and of course, ‘eliminate the weeds.’ A truck sitting in a neighborhood driveway was painted with scary looking weeds and bugs with a clear warning that you certainly don’t want them in your yard.

I went to Home Depot this weekend in search of basic, plain, uncoated grass seed – which is getting hard to find – but the row of weed killers goes on as far as the eye can see. One promised to eradicate all dandelions and clover with its ‘weed gripper’ while the one lying next to it guaranteed to not only kill the weeds you see, but also the ones you don’t.  Hmmmm…….

The next aisle showcased a fertilizer that will ‘kill insects above and below the ground’. Why exactly do we need to kill the bugs in the dirt? Wouldn’t that kind of take the life out of dirt? All of these stating that after drying your kids and pets can be on them, but not sure I would want my grandchildren rolling on these lawns.

Last week my sister heard a commercial for fertilizers whose message was – Show your lawn who’s boss! How silly.

Suddenly I had an aha moment. This is all about control. Life as a human on this planet has gotten complicated. Right when we feel like we are getting it, we are sideswiped by some new news. There is very little we can control so our poor lawns are taking the brunt. Maybe if I can have a lawn with no dandelions, I will feel that I am driving my life.

Why do we have this need to control? I, for one often beg the Universe to take the reins! PLEASE, let me be guided! Allow me to lie back every now and then and surrender.

As for poor Ms Dandelion…..she is the first flower that almost every child gives so innocently to their mother with abundant joy. Dandelion is one of us and she is beautiful.  Please don’t kill her.

I bought a dozen range free eggs this week and there was a card inside that said ‘Nature is Boss….Follow her lead’.  Yes!!!!


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