Sunday, November 19, 2017

Conscious Creating....speak up!

I took a short break while I soaked in the warmth of the sun and floated on my back in the water.  A pause to be and to notice. Rested now and ready to move on in the journey!

Where did we leave off?  Oh yeah, how could I forget.  Staring at an obstacle.  But that was then and this is now. I am no longer struggling against. Dropping the ‘woe is me’ and already beginning to sense the lessons and see beyond. An obstacle is only that when we choose to live as Conscious Creators.  Still seeing what I want and leaning in, with complete faith that this is simply a necessary turn in the path. Letting go of all resistance.
Now it is time to speak……..

Up to this point our vision has been internal.  Stopping, noticing, feeling, seeing, trusting and being grateful. We now begin to make it real. To speak it. To send it out.

AAAAHhhhhhhhh!!!  Once I say it, the world knows.  Words can never be taken back! What will they think? What if it doesn’t manifest? The energy of the throat is quite powerful and is often our own biggest obstacle.  It can be scary to state what you want.

The Universe, however, loves clarity so no mumbling here. We must state our intention (remember that trust we worked on?) clearly. An intention is a short simple phrase, in the positive and in the present of what we are manifesting. As if it is already here. Speak up!

Examples would be…..I have complete health……I am financially secure…….. My book is on the bestseller list……There will be two open seats at the bar when I arrive (used that one just last night)…… I am joyful….. I live in a house that I love…….  I have 8 new members signed up for the CSA.

That last one was from a couple of years ago.  I was helping grow CSA membership and I created a vision.  I then set the intention of 8 new members.  How many do you think I got?  8!  I immediately realized I should have said 10.  I am learning. 

Notice there are no ‘hopes’, ‘wishes’, ‘wants’ in the above intentions?  If your intention is ‘I wish my knee would heal’, then the Universe will muster up all its strength to help you ‘wish’!  Send out exactly what you want to receive back.  Words carry energy and like will attract like.  Speak up!

Once you have developed your intention, state it each time you are painting your vision on the space in front of you.  Say it internally, state it out loud to yourself when you look in the mirror, and finally begin to say it to others.  As fact.  I AM……

Speak up……. And don’t forget the gratitude!

I am grateful that my home is a healing center,

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