Sunday, September 17, 2017

Conscious Creating.....noticing

Have you been watching this week?  Did you remember to create space for becoming still and quiet?  You observing you…….
I did. Here is little bit of what I saw…………..

The work I have been doing to relax my jaw is working, but now my left outer hip has some tightness which I have been ignoring with the hopes it might go away.  The background hum of the late summer bugs  through my open bedroom window as I sleep brings me much joy.  I resist the shortening of the days. I don’t like to ask for help.  

Talking about or being in situations involving money makes me uncomfortable. I  feel myself tense up and become tongue tied. Perhaps it’s because – STOP.  I think it might help if I  - STOP.  No judgment. No jumping to solutions. Relax Sarah and just watch. Notice. For now let it be exactly as it is.

I found myself explaining things. I had told my students what we were going to work with this week but I was away for the weekend and didn’t have time to prepare the class. I explained and they looked at me laughing, telling me that if I hadn’t said anything they wouldn’t have noticed and they come for whatever I am teaching that day. I explain versus simply stepping into my power of knowing and moving forward.   

The side of the garage which creates one side of my garden has a large space between the windows that is calling for something to be placed there. I’m too bossy. I talk out loud to plants. I am seeing these next two weeks of transition as an image in my mind bursting at the seams with energy and activity…..and the other side of it dropping off into a vast empty unknown.  I am now experiencing excitement, fear, worry, joy, gratitude, confidence, sadness and complete faith all rolled into one large ball. I haven’t been wild lately.

What did you notice?

I walked Phoebe at 5 am Friday morning and it was only us and a lone raccoon. Stars, a crescent moon and quiet. The world still. That time of day holds the energy of what we are all doing right now. Here we swim in the sea of pure potential.  Unlimited possibilities lie ahead. The energy that rises the sun and awakens the birds is the same energy we use to create our own lives. But we must tap in to harness it. 

It can be found in every leaf, flower and breeze.Each creature, drop of water and the light of a candle.  In each and every breath. It’s right here when you slow down to see.

Letting go………………………..


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