Sunday, January 15, 2017

.....the march

The march is approaching. All of the talk, hype, web sites and emails are behind us. This Saturday our feet will march on the earth……. Yes, I have decided to go.
I really wasn’t sure I wanted to go.  I couldn’t find the pulse of its purpose. What it hoped to awaken.  All I was hearing was what everyone didn’t want, giving it the sense of a protest. The energy of anger. One friend I asked quietly stated that she doesn’t march ‘against’ things and that struck a chord. I too felt the need to march ‘for’ something. 

In classes this week I began to lead us once again through the chakra journey. It all begins with earth.  Coming to a stop to notice NOW.  Right now.  Becoming aware of where you are….physically, emotionally, your health, your relationships, career and direction. Taking stock of things exactly as they are without judgment. You observing you.

This moment in time on our country’s life path, is as it is.  WE created it and you can’t struggle against this moment. This moment cannot be changed.  We must first accept it completely.  Letting out a big exhale and sitting with what is. Us observing us. No judgment. Only then can we step toward what we want. 

When we adopted Phoebe and she began exhibiting aggressive behavior we hired a trainer.  I wanted him to ‘fix’ her.  I was confident he would quickly show her that this unwanted behavior was wrong and had to stop. But I am the one that had it all wrong. 

First of all, his focus was not at all on her, but on me. I remember him watching me walk her and observing my knee jerk reactions and my not so effective corrections. My overuse of the word – no.  Then he began to show me the way.

I learned a lot of life lessons from Ralph, but there is one conversation that I hear in my head whenever I am now faced with a challenge.  Phoebe was charging the door, snarling and lunging at whoever had been silly enough to knock.  Me, holding her back by her collar with all my might using my new favorite word over and over, with each repetition louder to be heard over her anxious voice.  Ralph, calmly asking me – what exactly is it that you ‘want’ her to do? 

Dead stop.  Noticing myself.  Noticing Phoebe.  I was so focused on what I didn’t want that I had no clear vision of what I did want.  Show her what you do want. 

And being completely honest here… still took me a year to act on that.  Another year of pushing her and her pushing back before I had the inner strength to create a clear vision and then take the steps toward manifesting it.  Now when there is a knock on the door and she rushes, I ask her to go to her bed.  I have given her a sense of purpose and am clear in my direction.  My energy has shifted from confrontation to love. From aggravation to positive movement forward.

So as I head down to the march, that is the energy I will be taking with me. The energy of an open heart and a clear vision to welcome the goddesses from across the country.  All of them. The  feminine energy is patient, receptive, inclusive, nurturing, intuitive, vulnerable and empathetic…….and mighty strong.  Wow!  Imagine all of that creative power together in one place.  Unlimited potential. 

And once I am there I will not be distracted by how things are.   I will plant my feet firmly on the earth and visualize the world as I want it to be.  I AM fierce and……..

I can create anything when I do it with love,

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