Sunday, July 24, 2016

......can you hear me?

Our voice is an odd thing.  What should be so simple – putting into words what is going on in the inside and sharing it with the world – is anything but.  Too often are voices are instead shaped but what it going on outside.  Our words determined by the expectations of those around us or what we think we should sound like.  Our voices are a powerful tool, but can often become timid, challenging, scary, filled with facts, vague or boastful.  Shifting throughout the day as we move between our different life roles.  Worker, parent, friend, neighbor – all with a different tone.

This disconnect begins quite young.  Perhaps you grow up in a family where children should be ‘seen and not heard’.  Every time you told a joke you were praised and quickly became the class clown.  Called on in class when you didn’t know the answer and never raised your hand again.  Discovered when you were quiet you could slide under the radar, or noticed the popular girls embraced you when you made fun of those who weren’t.  Found that brown nosing helps with climbing that corporate ladder and talking a lot keeps everyone’s eyes on you. 
Classes this week were focused on our throat energy.  Vishuddha  chakra.  Shifting the flow of energy from what we think we should say – down from the mind and out of the mouth, to speaking our truth – up from the heart and out of the mouth. Speaking as you. The real you.

In Vishuddha we create our vibration.  It is our radio tower. Our personal unique frequency which many times is not in sync with our words. That feeling when you are somewhere having a conversation – blah, blah, blah, blah – and inside your heart hurts and longs to be speaking something else. Something meaningful. Something true. 

But when we tune our vibration well it can share so much more than our words can ever hope to.  And the words you do speak are a lot fewer and filled with meaning. And whatever you are vibrating will attract the same back toward you.  If your vibration is filled with fear or worry, hold on because more is on its way!  If you are set to the frequency of ‘busy’, the to-dos will flood in. Since you are always sending some signal out, why not choose a good one!

So how do we tune our frequency?
  • ·         Be present more often.  Noticing when you are dwelling in the past or worrying about the future and instead stop and watch your breath.  Looking around you to see where you are and feel your body.  The past and the future take us away from our internal song. 
  • ·         Gratitude.  For life itself.   I went to a friend’s yoga class and she shared a lovely quote at the end.  ‘Stop thinking of gratitude as a byproduct of your circumstances and start thinking of it as a world view.’  Gratitude raises our vibration and attracts that which we are grateful for.   A boomerang.
  • ·         Spend more time doing the things that bring you joy.  Your passions.  Find the time!
  • ·         Self-care.  Feeding your own soul allows you to feed others.
  • ·         Singing, humming, letting out big sighs, an occasional full out scream, chanting – all to clear the path from the heart up through the throat. 
  • ·         Surround yourself with others who resonate with you.  This doesn’t mean you are the same but your vibrations harmonize, helping to strengthen yours vs causing discord.
  • ·         Having silence in your life.  Every day.  No tv, computer, radio or talking, so that the trees, birds, sky, bugs, wind, moon, stars and sun can share their vibrations with you. They are amazing symphony conductors.    

And finally, close your eyes and imagine who you would be if there were absolutely no expectations of you and you had no concern for what anyone else thought.  Totally free to be exactly who you are.  What is that vibration?  Turn it on and send it out.  Let us all hear you loud and clear!

Letting me out,

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