Sunday, May 31, 2015

.....the power of words


I came across two images by Robert Sturman this week that provide the feeling sense of what I wanted to put into words.  That is what words are…..taking what is on the inside and sending it out.

For the past two weeks in class our practice has been on opening the heart.  Giving it the space in which to bloom. Shoulders rolled back and dropped.  Top of the chest spread with a slight lift up so that the heart is what sits most forward on our body and leads our day.   Then turning on the light there. 

In my own practice I do a lot of heart opening work….both physical and emotional.  I visualize the heart as the light in the lighthouse that shines even in the darkest of times.  The heart feels.  It knows.  It guides.  And it talks…..and never lies.
 But we must be quiet enough to hear it.

This week we shifted up to Vishuddha chakra, the throat.  Our ability to communicate verbally is powerful.  Every word carries a distinct vibration and each one has an effect.  Our words can be empty or there can be too many of them.  They can wound or sometimes be the words we believe others want to hear.  Or our words can take that light that is in the heart and send it out with truth, compassion and love.   Our speech, when mindful and coming from deep within is a beautiful gift we bestow upon others and the Universe.  

I find that the longer I practice yoga, meditate and open the body, the more aware I am of the words I and others use.  As they leave my mouth I sense the energy I am sharing with others and know if it matches what my heart is saying.  Certain words, such as “try”, “wish” and “worry” are being removed from my vocabulary to be replaced with words such as "can", will" and “grateful”.  When I catch myself complaining I recognize it for what it is.  When I can’t find the right word I pause and allow it to bubble up.

This afternoon was a perfect example….a fellow yogini posted some  wording on Facebook that she was going to be using on her website and asked for advice from a group of us.  I wrote back of the changes I would make and hit send.  I then reread what I wrote.  Ten minutes later it was still sitting with me.  My words felt  like a directive vs  the heartfelt suggestions I meant them to be.  So I wrote that.  I dropped down from my mind to my heart and sent the follow on note. 

Here is the second image.  This to me is what speaking is all about……
.......the throat as a clear open channel

Sending my light out to all of you through my words,

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