Sunday, July 6, 2014

sunrises, fire pits and stars


Air, lunchtime, and the full moon.  Birth, water, and the color white.  The inhale and the exhale.  Life and death.  All part of the circle…..all part of the rhythm of the Universe.

Last night under a spectacular clear sky and a brilliant half moon, about 30 of us gathered to christen and bless my new fire circle.  Earlier in the day however, I realized that I had never properly done the same for my medicine wheel garden….my first sacred circle….so the ceremony I led was for both.   And if was the first time in a while that I talked to invoking the 7 directions – a Native American tradition of inviting in the presence of the spirits – and in doing so it brought everything full CIRCLE for me.

The circle is a spiritual shape.  No true beginnings and no end.  No corners for anything to hide in.  All together.  All one…each of us just in different sections at different times.

The East.  The sunrise.  The beginning of the new day and of the inhale.  Bringing in light where there was none.  This is our childhood.  A time of innocence, learning everything for the first time, play.  Beginners mind.  Fresh.  Seeing our lives stretched ahead of us.  The element of air and the colors yellow and orange.  Morning.  The early song of the birds.  Awake and eager.

The South.  Midday.  The top of the inhale.  Heat.  The element of fire.  Here is where we make our babies,  raise our children, pursue our careers, and do.  Action.  Full.   The color Red.  Vibrant.  Ripe.  Seeing clearly what it is that we want to manifest in our lives and taking steps toward it.  Allowing ourselves to be uncomfortable.  The coyote lives here.  Expansive and growing.

The West.   Ahhhhh…….we begin to exhale.  Letting go.  Slowing down.  Beginning to switch the direction of the journey from outward expansion and growth, to inner reflection.  Middle age (which somehow has been given a negative connotation in our eternal youth loving society – but I am finding it blissful).  Discovering who we really are as we shed the many masks we have worn to suit those around us.  The colors blue and purple.  The element of water.  Our subconscious.   Our innermost desires for that which will fulfill us.  In the west we learn the art of surrender.  The bear lives here.  Trust and faith.

The North.  Our elders and wise women live here.  We should listen much more closely to what they have to teach us.  Insight.  A place of quiet and stillness. Meditation. The night.  The bottom of the exhale.  Dreams.  Here we find the Owl and other animals of the night.  Discovering our life’s purpose.  Here we return to the Great Mystery in order to be ignited once again with the new sun in the east.  The color white.  Knowing.

Below we find our past and ancestors.  Mother Earth.  The womb and creation.  The Goddess is found below.  Above we find the energy of Father Sky and its infinite unformed potential.  Expanded consciousness.  The God is found above.  But it is in the 7th direction that we find “me”.  Center.  The gap between the breaths.  A channel connecting the earth and sky.  A hollow reed through which the Goddess can spiral up to connect with the God.  Perfection. 

The moon, the tides, the seasons……. each day, our lives, and each and every breath all follow the path of this circle.  Spring, summer, fall and winter. The rhythm of the Universe.  Our rhythm.  Notice it. 

Recognize the moment in the afternoon where you feel the energetic shift from the intenseness of summer action to the cooling receptive energy of fall.  Become aware of the damp cool grass on your bare feet when you first awaken and the south sun has not had its chance to warm.   Always know which phase the moon is in- taking the weeks of the waxing/expanding moon to begin new projects, the waning moon to slow down and visit the West, and the new moon to shed that which no longer serves you… order to begin anew with the first glimpse of the sliver moon in the east.  Sleep when it is dark and rise with the birds of the east. 

I have always been a very early morning runner.  Yogis always talk to the auspiciousness of that time of day.  The hours of 4 to 6 am.  This week at the end of one of my runs I realized that time is truly when the shift from night to day begins.  Still so incredibly still, yet the hint of the rising sun and the song of the early birds provide glimpses into the unlimited  possibilities waiting.  The void.  The pause.  Empty yet incredibly full.  I like being there for that.

Live and move in these rhythms.  They will lead you well.

I love to dance,

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