Sunday, October 20, 2013

letting go to the flow.......part 2

Feeling Yogis,

As we flowed through the second week of the water element, and did a little shaking of our hips, there were 2 currents that flowed through me.  The first went something like this.

Let go, let go, let go, let go……………………..

……and then let go some more.

I was very blessed to be able to spend time by water on several occasions this week.  Here my foot rests at the edge of the river where I sat and watched.  The river has continuous movement, but without struggle.  Around the rocks, through the crevices, onto the banks.  And with each breeze a leaf would float down to gently land on her surface and be carried away.  Here one moment and gone the next. Impermanent.  Allowing itself to follow nature’s rhythm.  Incredibly peaceful and so freeing. 

Why can’t I do that?  Why can’t I just let go and be with what is here?

This weekend I was by the ocean.  Friday night sitting in the sand soaking in the full moon beams, and this morning under a clear blue sky and brilliant sun,  I found a nook next to a jetty to be alone. To feel.

Here is what came.  I lie back and flow until an emotion rises that I just don’t like.   Then I climb out onto shore to resist the current.   To resist the present moment.  But resisting the present moment is like putting out  your arms to hold back a large wave.  It is a tremendous expenditure of energy with a 100% guarantee that you will get no return on your investment.   The present moment just is.  You cannot change it.  When we learn to accept this moment completely, exactly as it is – then and only then can we jump back in and be in the flow. 

This isn’t an easy concept to grasp, much less to do.  You may say – “but that is settling”, or “by accepting it I am saying it is right or ok”.   But it isn’t that at all.  Accepting this moment in no way means that you don’t want differently for the future.  But in order to create new, we must release the past (earth) and be fully with what is right now (water).   Then from this point of complete freedom we can plant the seed of intention of what we desire (fire). 

Which brings me to the second current……

What is it that I long for?  What do I want? 

It seems so easy, but oh I find it so hard.   And the answer will never come from the mind.  Those mind wants are fleeting and when filled will satisfy for only so long.  What I want comes from a much deeper place.  I can feel it, and know that I have touched it in the past, but still haven’t found the words.  Maybe there are no words.

I listened to two talks this week that both kept coming back to the same message - that it is in our vulnerability that we find our power.   The willingness to move forward without knowing.   This struck a chord within.   A sense that if I  can become more vulnerable (which does not come naturally to me and is awfully scary), more transparent, and have the courage to allow all waves of emotion without numbing them,  that perhaps then I can let go……and in that process unleash those deepest soul’s desires.  Feel even more.

Because when all is said and done, and we look deeply into the water,  yes we can see the bottom  but at the very same time our own reflection as well. 

Become comfortable in the discomfort of your emotional nakedness.  ~Panache Desai

                What makes you vulnerable, makes you beautiful.  ~Brene Brown

Feeling vulnerable as I hit the send button,

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