Sunday, August 11, 2013

Spreading my wings


I sat down this evening and began writing on a completely different topic, but it didn’t feel right.  It didn’t put words to my experiences of this past week.  The topic didn’t feel authentic.  It wasn’t the one that the Universe was asking me to write…….

What keeps coming to me is that it is time again to spread my wings!

This was a week of what many would refer to as coincidences, but what I refer to as signs from the Universe. 

It began with the one I sent out to many of you.   The daily email that I receive from “Notes to the Universe” which had the exact same words – including quotation marks- that I had just written the day before in my I Am Perfect post (8/4). 

No more "supposed tos," OK, Sarah?

You're not supposed to work harder, look better, sleep less, sell more, run faster, talk slower, be happier, stay longer, leave earlier, cook, clean, negotiate, settle, start, stop, move, try, win, shake, rattle or roll.

Other people made all that up.

I love you the way you are,
    The Universe
Huh.  Isn’t that interesting.  But they didn’t stop there. 

I hadn’t heard any updates in over a month on a deal I had priced so I emailed the rep for a status.  What I hear back is “That actually closed today!  Is that just a coincidence that you are asking?”

The book I am reading happens to eerily mirror a sorrowful event we experience this week as a family.   A book I had not heard of, but had just read about is lying right at the edge of a bookcase in a friend’s room where I stayed.   There is a  new project that I keep feeling drawn to do, but am a little scared to jump in to.  But it is validated when a friend unknowingly makes a statement with conviction to another friend that my project is going to come to pass – and I had never even told her I was thinking it. 

And they kept coming. 

I taught a Goddess workshop to a beautiful group of women yesterday and during our practice I spoke to the ability to create anything you want by having a vision that you see clearly every day with an unwavering focus - but then having the complete and utter faith that it will manifest.   I had us spread our arms wide to plant the vision in the clear open space in front of us and see it clearly.   As we brought our hands back to our hearts the next words in the song were – Do you believe what you see?  Now that one brought us all shivers.   And as I left there that evening for my drive to the beach I again listened to that song and as those words played I glanced out my car window to a large billboard towering over me that read ……The Right Song at the Right Moment. 

So.  What do these mean?  Why do they happen?  How are we supposed to respond.    

The Universe is always communicating with us, and we hear it when we are listening.  Always.  But sometimes they are just little whispers in the ear.  Maybe slight adjustments that may be needed.  Words of encouragement.  Or little wake up calls when we start to lead life from the brain.  The Universe is our higher consciousness speaking and it has beautiful sound advice for us, if we choose to follow.

Then there are those times where they come at you  in greater numbers.  All just seeming to be a pat on the back that the path we are on is right for us at that time.  Like a high five.  Way to go.  Just keeping doing what you are doing.  Or even the opposite.  That those obstacles we keep encountering are telling us it’s time to turn in another direction.  That there is a better path.

But then there are times like the one that I appear to be having right now, where they come at you in rapid fire succession.   Where you can sense some message is in there.  That is time to take action.   Time to spread your wings!

So…..I asked to borrow the book that leaped out at me in my friend’s house,  I will continue to spread the teachings of the Goddess and I will use this winter to submerge myself into my new project.   And perhaps there is even more.   I will continue to listen.  Living this way is both a little scary, but oh so exciting. 

Finally….I wrote to one of my sons this week to tell him how incredibly proud I am of him.  I don’t often do that type of thing, but I felt drawn to put my thoughts down to share them.   As I sat on the beach this afternoon to read the end of my book, here is what the woman who is close to dying had to say:
“You should tell your family every day that you love them.  And make sure they know you are proud of them too”


Shivers and tears,

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