Sunday, September 29, 2024


Friday was dreary as we drove to the Chesapeake Bay. Humid, soggy and drizzling. Saturday morning was more of the same. In fact, the whole week had followed this exact same pattern. Frizzy hair and damp shoes the look of the day.

Yet the Universe delivered! A parting of the clouds exposed brilliant blue skies and warm rays of sunshine just in time for the main event. An outdoor wedding I was officiating of a young woman I have known her whole life and her fiancé I’ve had the immense pleasure of connecting to. These two were so clearly in love and I was given the honor of joining their lives together.

With grass as our carpet and trees the décor we began the ceremony in a gazebo. By the end there were not many dry eyes in the crowd. We could all feel it. Love.

Love is the most universal, the most tremendous and the most mysterious of the cosmic forces.
Teilhard de Chardin

These two love each other profoundly. The heartfelt vows they wrote and read publicly were a gift to us all. They emanated love. And love is catchy.

Cocktails in a boat shed let us all begin to know each other better which then drifted to a tent on the bay. The setting ……stunning. By now we were giddy. Couples holding hands. Hugs and toasts abounding.

Then the band started….. Now we are dancing together, caring not if we knew the person in front of us, forming circles, letting go into the joy permeating the night air. But it didn’t stop there.

The newlyweds have their own band and took to the stage. Looking around, the crowd was standing shoulder to shoulder singing and cheering as the bride and groom glowed. Everyone’s heart a size larger than when the afternoon had begun.

Weddings are special. A day to step out of the world and soak in a deep pool of love. And boy does it feel good!

They love each other. We love them. Through this we are all now joined.

Sunday morning as my eyes opened, the clouds had returned. Mist back in the air.

Love though, remained,

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