Sunday, March 13, 2022

.....march madness

The nearness of spring filled the air on Friday. A lightness. Mid 60s, blue skies and a gentle breeze. The sun, sitting a little higher in the sky, shone brightly on the newly bloomed daffodils and the puffy pink redbud blossoms. Everything about the day told me it was finally time to get my hands in the dirt……

I headed to the community garden I tend with lawn bag, shovel and scissors in hand dressed in a thin long sleeve shirt and light sweater. Within minutes of pulling the old black eyed susan stems, their dried buds still intact, the sweater comes off and hair goes up in a ponytail. With my hands smelling of rosemary from pulling matted leaves off her needles, if all felt like a new beginning. The start once more of a new life cycle.

The evening’s air was still warm. We sat on the front porch and had a beer. The fox ambled by.

Saturday morning, I wake to sideways rain pelting my window. I get up, brush my teeth, set up my blankets and sit on the bed to meditate. I listen to the rain on the roof. Before long I hear the tapping of ice pellets mixed in with the rain. Soon it is all ice. By the time I open my eyes a half hour later it is snowing and the wind is howling.

March madness.

I bundle up and head out into the world with Phoebe. The garden I had cleared of leaves only hours before now buried in snow. Daffodil heads heavy. The pink buds the trees had been proudly showing off now encased in white.  

A game of tug of war between winter and spring. Spring steps forward and is given a moment in the sun but is then forcefully pushed back by winter. One step forward and two steps back. Unpredictable. Changeable. Reminds me of the state of our world.

Whether its covid, the price at the pump, financial markets, or politics, I feel like we are stuck in an endless March with no clear end in sight. Up and down and all around. Then throw in the storm in Ukraine and the unfathomable images of a war that makes no sense to me, and it becomes hard to get your footing. Grass covered not with snow but pieces of buildings. Bombs falling from the sky. People fleeing their homes. Going to bed thinking the world is one way and waking up to pelting on the window.

One step forward…..two steps back. Is it just me, or does life feel so complicated right now?

I know with confidence that the calendar will turn its page and April will arrive, leaving March as only a memory. But will we as a human race find a way to do the same……

…..did I mention that time does not change but we change our clocks one hour?

March madness,

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