Sunday, July 11, 2021

....what does it look like

The feeling in the air is that everything should be getting back to ‘normal.’ Over these last few weeks even I have been getting this internal nudge to begin planning for in person classes. On the outside that sounds so simple. Repost the schedule and open the doors!

But life isn’t that simple…….

Someone reminded me of our last week in the studio. At the end of class while everyone is blissfully lying in savasana, I go around with lavender oil and give head massages. Some people joke that this is the reason they come to my classes. By mid March we are all talking about the looming news while I continued to offer everyone this moment of pure peace. I get an email the next morning that perhaps the head rubs should pause for now. A day later I shut down all classes.

For these past sixteen months I have been teaching virtually. After the initial awkwardness and technology hiccups it began to find its rhythm…..and its blessings. During a time where we were all isolated, the yoga sangha gathered online each day to move, breathe and meditate. Checking in on each other, telling stories and sharing laughs. A new type of community formed.

This way of teaching allowed me to spend four days at the beach every other week. To not skip a beat the two weeks I was up with my parents, their living room transforming into yoga space. Friends and family from other states could join in and everyone could look at the clock and see a class was starting in five minutes and decide to jump on in. No traffic. No babysitters. Dinner in the oven.

And I could teach more classes…..and add in ones that are only 45 minutes.

Yet on the other side, there is that visceral energy of a group in a room, breathing and moving in unison. Physical touch. Candles. Essential oils…..and of course the head rub.

Wanting both. But what does that look like?

I have been struggling with this. My own inner dialogue discussing pros and cons. Options and opportunities. Trying to ‘plan’ an outcome. Map it all out. Not working very well…

I finally sent a note out to all students this week, letting them know where I am sixteen months later (changed) and asking where they are. Responses have begun to trickle in. Everything from ‘I want it exactly the way it was’ to ‘I only want virtual.’ Sigh.

Sending out that note, like this blog post, always feels to me as if I am handing over my inner thoughts, dialogue and questions to the universe. Like shouting into a canyon, and then waiting for the echo which I know will inevitably come. It may come today, tomorrow, or in another month. Trust and patience for guidance which has never let me down. Loosening my grip on the reins of life.

Since the note was sent, I have begun bumping into students as I run, walk and pull weeds down in the community garden. Someone even joked that I am holding outdoor office hours.  People I haven’t seen in sixteen months suddenly in my path, and I in theirs. Clear signs that I am not alone in designing this new ‘yoga normal.’ Guidance will come and all will be exactly as it is supposed to be…..

Thank you Universe,

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