Sunday, July 26, 2020

....a bubble of joy

The car is unloaded, suitcases unpacked and my two hour post vacation nap complete. I’m back from yet another fabulous week in the Outer Banks of NC……my 32nd time. What began years ago as a trip to check out a new beach has evolved into a ritual which includes seven families, multiple dogs and an ever-expanding gang of toddlers and infants.

It is one of those traditions where everyone knows what to do without any discussion. Arrival time, beach games, favorite snacks and beach chair formation all fall into place seamlessly. But this year as we arrived we weren’t as sure. The world had changed since last year’s final late day toast, accompanied by the required Twizzler. How would it all feel?

As everyone first gathered on the beach it felt awkward. Air hugs. Standing back. Where to sit. But the sea air quickly helped us find our rhythm once more. Settling back into our bubble that we then moved through the week in. Talk of Covid replaced with updates on family. Nightly news replaced with pizza on the beach. Fear replaced with joy.

Living life.

I have been fortunate to have had the chance to go away a few times now since this all began, and each time I am so grateful for the respite. To have my awareness held on the movement of the clouds and the hot sand on my bare feet instead of on my pc. To gaze at the stars in the night sky and hear the pounding of the ocean each time I crest the dune. Knowing the times of the tides and watching the movement of the jellyfish. A bubble of joy.

The osprey dove for fish while the dolphin slapped their tails. Dragonflies landed and humored me while I got close for photos. Very close. Collecting shells and watching for ghost crabs. Living life.

On the last night as we yet again sat in the hot tub to transition from beach to dinner, discussion started on next year. I commented that we should all try to remember how we are feeling right now as we sit in the center of this storm. “How do you feel?”, they asked.

How do I feel? I feel that the almost cliché of ‘living in the moment’ that we all talk about is upon us. That the only thing I can be certain of is this moment. Next week, next month, next year…..who knows. And I am ok with that. A bubble of life is right here, and I am in it. Living life.

Sitting on our towels to dry off, we each picked an oracle card and my friend got the ‘Power of Joy’ card. Yes. We had indeed all found joy this week and wow is it powerful.

Noticing this moment,

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