Sunday, March 17, 2019

......age spots

Last week I went to the dermatologist. Every two years I go and strip bare to have every inch of my skin inspected, including any new spots or bumps that seem at times to appear overnight, making sure nothing looks suspect.

He announced that all looked good and I should continue doing what I am doing and come back to see him in two years. Then there was a pause. “You know,” he said “if you would like, I can freeze off those two brown spots on your face. Only takes a couple of minutes.”

My mind leapt into action. What spots was he referring to? Ok, I think it is those sun/age spots. Should I say yes? Is that what I am supposed to do? Why is he asking? To give myself a minute to think, I asked a few questions. Then my brain finally settled, and I said no, they didn’t bother me (which they haven’t except when I stare at them in a mirror). He said I could always come back.

This all got me thinking……….
I am aging, as we all are. Some of you perhaps not as far along the path as I, while others guiding me forward. These spots and others, wrinkles and gray hairs will all eventually reside in this body I call home. How do I feel about that? Do they make me less perfect?

My theme over these past few weeks has been on the ‘you’ inside, which goes by the name soul and is inherently perfect. Not the body, not the mind but a unique spark of the Universe which is unchanging and unbounded. Not affected by age, illness, the outer world or even death.

Yet we often don’t believe this. Perfection becomes something we strive for on the outside with our bodies, our accomplishments, our relationships. How can I be perfect if I don’t look a certain way? If I don’t look young when the world seems to favor that?

All of this inner processing sparked by a question from a doctor.

When I look in the mirror, I at times tear myself apart. My eyes lock in on the beginning signs of wrinkles. Bags under the eyes. Laugh lines deeply imbedded. Ugh. But then I walk away and completely forget! Feeling good. Young. Happy and light. So, which is it?

How unbelievably freeing it would be if I could truly feel perfect with no concern for the outside! Stop and think about that. What would that feel like? What if it absolutely didn’t matter what you looked like. Where all that mattered was how ‘you’ feel. All the time and wasted mental energy that would free up!

Now I am not implying that you ignore your body. Self-love involves deeply caring for your body with wonderful healthy food, exercise, self-massage and time for you….not because it makes you more perfect, but because this body is the only vehicle you are getting for this existence and you want it in tip top shape for all the adventures you have in front of you.

I’m also not suggesting that having sun spots frozen off, using cosmetics, or having procedures are in any way right or wrong, but what are your reasons for doing them? I still color my hair as an example. But six years ago, I stopped wearing all makeup including mascara and you know what? I still have the same number of friends. The deeper question becomes where does your sense of being enough come from. What makes the final determination?

Friday night I innocently laid my hand on my belly. Oh no! Like clockwork, my March muffin top is appearing. Deep exhale……..

These age spots indicate I am aging.  Yes, I am.

I am perfect,

And I said to my body, softly, "I want to be your friend."
It took a long breath and replied, "I have been waiting my whole life for this."
               ~Nayyirah Waheed

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